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"CAN someone please remind me how we got into this situation again?"

Pushing his school sleeves upwards until it rested by his elbow, Kirishima began kneading the dough.

"We're helping out to bake some breadsticks for Hirabayashi?"

The red haired replied to Takehiko who was busy chopping the ready dough into pieces and scaling them on the other side of the counter.

Back to when everyone unexpectedly arrived, Jiji had invited everyone inside seeing that they all came to check in with their friend.

Bakugou denying that he just happened to pass by- clearly failing because he was literally heading where the red haired and the golden haired were.

Seeing that the breadstick girl and the others were taking a while to come back, Jiji asked everyone if they would like to help him out prepare some breadsticks for his granddaughter and asked if they would like to learn how to make cupcakes.

Which everyone had said yes except the ash blonde just stared and leaned back  on his chair.

Todoroki let out a small shrugged and stated he was free the whole day.

Midoriya was really keened in learning of how to bake while Takehiko whined out that baking was hard.

Hearing this, the crimson eyes immediately shot up from his chair and began shouting at them.

'HOW IS BAKING HARD?! I'll bake those breadsticks so you better not be on my way nerd!'

Hence why it was only Bakugou, Takehiko and Kirishima who was in the kitchen while Midoriya and the others were in the bakery designing the toppings of the cupcakes.

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