The Preparation (97)

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'TWENTY TWO years ago, a location was under influence of atrocity and wicked jurisdiction of a man. Many was ruled over by his judgement and was tampered by a lone promise to create a better developing world with the help of Quirks.

Majority of his followers followed every single words he uttered, and kissed every step he took; to the trail of blood his feet touched and to the voices he twisted and adopt into what would satisfy his desire.

A selfish desire that had been spread from his own influence, targeting hopeless souls that desperately cried out for help for being put into a position of incapability of inheriting a surreal power.

It continued on, until one woman who grew up in the same environment became aware to the surrounding world they lived on, and witnessed the lies and malicious intent he would perform in order to reach the ambition he created for himself.

She was one of the people that followed his step. But when a life-form was born she became more desperate than any men and woman on the district.

So she acted, and risked into revealing the location to the public for the sake of the future of the people she nurtured. She betrayed her friends, neighbours, partners, and family she grew up with.

The edge of the sword that sworn to beheaded the rebels. Became a healer, protector, and shield of the outsiders.'

Haruna sat crossed leg on her bed as she listened to the 'bed time story' of the beautiful creature before her.

The butterfly settled on the too of the box while stretching its wings.

Not really expecting a whole tale, or a synopsis of it.

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