Majestic Effect of Food|20|

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CLASS was cancelled the next day, which gave the U.A students a chance to rest from school. Specially towards the students that experienced such event; an eye opener for those of what it took to be a Hero.

Yet, Class 1-A did not rest easy. The rest day became a moment to reflection from previous event, and none were able to clear their thoughts.

Specially towards the father of the breadstick girl, Haru Hirabayashi had constantly been by his daughter's side to aid her need after a week of being released from the hospital.

To guide her during her step by step training in order to gain the strength she lost after being electrocuted.

Which she received few burns around her body, and muscle aches.

Slowly healing, with the class progressing forward as normal. Haruna was soon dropped off a little later by her Uncle after a long debate between her father to attend the first day back.

"Hey, did you guys watched the news last night?" Hagakure leaned to her tight, gaining both Ojiro and Shouji's attention.

"Yeah." Ojiro nodded.

"Did you see how everyone was onscreen for a second?" She let out a sigh.

"I didn't stand out at all..."

"That's true." Shouji answered.

Ojiro sweatdropped, "It's hard to stand out looking like that huh?"

Reminding her that it was only her gloves that were visible.

"But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it." Kaminari leaned back on his seat, turning to Jirou and Kirishima.

"I was surprised." Kirishima admitted

Jiro twirling her plug like earlobes.

"Can you blame them, the hero course that keeps pumping out pro heroes was attacked." She retorted.

Takehiko hearing the conversation from the front turned around, having no one to talk to since his desk mate will not be arriving.

"It's odd to think about it, I mean we were there coincidently..." He trailed before confusion washed over him.

"Hm. Forget coincidence, those villains looks like they knew we were going to be there." Mineta shook on his seat as the conversation continued.

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