Costumes of Heroes|C7|

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Take's Costume Edited: 30/07/2020



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"LOOKING  very good is important ladies and gentlemen! Look alive now- from now on... you're all heroes!"

Standing across the dressed students in their costumes was the number one hero; All Might with his signature smile. 1-A stood proudly with their own designed and characterised costumes. Seeing everyone in different and unique costumes, All Might examined the group.

Doing a head count, his grin faltered.

A little confused if he miscounted.

He did it again.

He began to sweat when he had been right.

One student was missing.

"W-Well, it looks like we are missing one person from this group- who was that lovely young lady that was eating during class?" He asked, automatically the students began to search around their surrounds.

"Hirabayashi-chan?" Uraraka raised her hand to catch the Hero's attention.

"Wasn't she the one who was staring off the space earlier?" Near the short brown haired stood another student with earphone jack ears; Jiro.

"I saw her following us on the way here..." The girl with pink haired; Ashido voiced out.

"She's missing?" Kirishima perked up.

"If she doesn't appear soon, she's going to miss the best part of the exercise..." The tape quirk, Sero; the raven haired next to Kirishima said.

"That puppy face with breadstick obsession? Who cares about her."

'So cold...' everyone glanced at the ash blonde that shouted for the class to start.

"That's considerate of you young man, but we won't be able to start if one is missing without anyone's knowledge of why." The blonde Hero replied, sweat dropping at the hot head's response.

"Are you sure it wasn't because she chickened out?" Another blonde; Kaminari, with type of earpiece kind walked up to the group.

"I don't think that's the reason she would be late..." Uraraka quietly interjected.

"She looks pretty strong to me!" Chirped the invisible girl, Hagakure that appeared behind the earpiece blonde, causing him to glanced at her.

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