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SHARP ledge dug into her left hand as she kept her grip that kept them at bay from the land down below.

Swinging slightly, she glanced down and watched as her supposed platform that will support their hold falling down onto the grass below with a thud. Its impact leaving an echo as they hang above.

Breathing heavily, her gaze trailed back where her right hand held the dark haired's wrist.

"Why..." He mumbled, staring widely at the closed distance on the land below them.

"I was about to see my mother and yet-"

Screaming at the brunette and he struggled against her hold, his movement causing Haruna to clenched her teeth when the rough edge brushed on her wounded hand.


"If you really want to die then I can just let you go right now." She husked out, her hazel eyes clashing with his teary ones.

Taken back by her reply, he pursed his lips when he trembled at the sight of the height they were in.

"But I'm not going to do that, because just like me- we were in depth of our emotions. We can't control them all the time, but I'm pretty sure that you would not want to be down there right now."

His gaze trailed back at her.

"My body moved to save that boy on that trip, and replaced his supposed to be deathbed. Hence why I got this scar..."

Tightening her grip, Ken looked at the metal hand that kept him safe.

Moving at her green jacket that revealed where her prosthetic hand was connect, up to her elbow and around her shoulder.

Haruna || Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now