Juishi Hirabayashi (61)

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"YOU'RE awake."

Recovery Girl leaned away from the brunette once she fluttered her lids open, greeting her with the most disbelief look she could mustered.

"I don't know if it's the thing you teenagers have, but all of you need to know that you can't just run around thinking you're immortal."

Exhaling in disapproval, the old woman plopped back down on her seat and began to fill in details on the clipboard.

Haruna examined the white ceiling, blinking to clear her blurry vision from exhaustion.

Before raising her right hand which was wrapped with bandages.Through the fabric, she could make out the silver metal surface and structure of the hand.

"If you don't want to permanently live inside a hospital room or be stuck in a bed, you need to start considering your actions Hirabayashi and understand that due to your current condition you can't always push yourself."

Ripping the paper off, she rolled her seat down and jumped down. Heading towards the bed side table, she placed the copy of Haruna's medical records.

"Your father is outside with your other relatives." Recovery Girl watched as the young brunette pulled herself to sit up, to make sure she does not fall down.

"I'll be taking my leave so you can discuss with them for a short while, until then. Please don't cause anymore injury to yourself."

"Thank you..."Bowing a little to show her gratitude.

Recovery Girl nodded and strode away to exit.

After her disappearance, Haruna observed as her family began to pile inside.

"There's my Ruru-chan,"  An older version of her father with grey and white hair gave a warm welcoming smile, making his way with the help of his baton. Her gaze glanced at the unfamiliar teenager sharing the same hair colour, his chubby hands raised to wave at her before she was enveloped in an embrace.

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