And They Return (96)

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HARUNA abruptly reached forward to stop the tray from whacking the brocolli's head, that would send him face planting on his own bowl of food.

In the middle of his own speech about his unsureness about the end of the exam and balancing both studies and physical training, it was unknown to everyone that a familiar person would be appearing out of nowhere to cause trouble.

Midoriya nervously glanced at Haruna's arm next to his head, with how close her chest was to his face made him turn completely red, "H-H-Haru-chan-"

"Hey, hey, you sure have good reflexes huh?"

The breadstick girl plainly stared back at the tall man, his slick blonde hair and purple and white eyes stared back at her as a smirk laced on his lips.

"Sorry my bad," Her hand loosen around his tray and he took this chance to step back, "I seem to almost hit your big head, after all it's really hard to miss."

"Huh?" Midoriya had to recover in order to process what was happening, so when Haruna sat back to her seat and Uraraka caught up to what was happening.

"You're from Class B! Um... Monoma!" The green haired exclaimed, holding the place where he almost got hit.

"How could you-"

"I heard you guys met the hero killer." Monoma cut in, "Just like at the 2 sports festival, 1-A gain all of the attention huh?"

He raised his head to mock them.

Haruna readied her sleeve when she saw how uncomfortable Iida and the others looked.

"Unfortunately they aren't all good. Oh no, how unlucky." A grinned mischievously, mostly aiming at the breadstick girl since she was the one that halted his first plan.

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