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PULLING  the black tank top down over her head, and shrugging the gym clothes . Haruna adjusted her ponytail and tightened the hair tie, making sure that every hair was secured. She zipped her bag closed, just in time the hyper active girl; Uraraka appeared beside her.

"Hirabayashi-chan!" Haruna almost backed away onto the bench, but managed to stay on her balance as Uraraka bounced on her toes in front of her. "Are you ready?"

Nodding slightly, Haruna followed the ball of sunshine down the corridor where everyone else was making their way to. Although a bit confused why they were suddenly being sent to the field, and told to dress in their gym clothes.

As they make their way, Uraraka was able to recognised the green haired that was walking beside the blue haired and glasses, seeming to be in deep thought. She began heading their way, with Haruna on her trail.

"Oh- the plain looking guy!" The green haired stiffened before turning around, he looked at the two girls in surprised.

'The cute girl...' his eyes trailed at the motionless figure next to her.

'the breadstick...girl...'

'The green vegetable dude...'  Haruna thought as she made eye contact with him.

With the such intense and Haruna's gaze boring on him, the green haired could not stop his face lighting up in flame; his hand shakingly moving up to give them a small wave. But they quickly move to his mouth, and watched as they walk

He could barely talk!

"Plainly looking guy! Hi! You got in just like Present Mic said! I knew you would- that punch was awesome!!" Uraraka exclaimed happily, causing the green haired's ears to grew even redder.

"No I mean....! I have to thank you for speaking on my behalf... I..." he raised his hand, trying to cover his tomato face as much as possible.


"I... that-well..." He kept on stuttering, trying to form words.

As the two talked animatedly beside her, Haruna could not help but get distracted by the appearance of a small blue butter fly that passed their way. Flying above the curly green haired, and fluttering behind him towards the distant crowd.

Stopping just above a one certain student; his half white and red hair flowed as soon as he step foot outside. Unknowingly, he felt a sudden tug of instinct to stop. Frowning slightly, he halted and glanced behind him.

Haruna || Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now