Chapter Three

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who wants to make our beloved Twilightcharacters swear, drink, andgo at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Four


Alice outfitted me with clothes that were cute, functional and reasonably priced. The most expensive item I purchased was a leather jacket, but I considered that a necessity since I didn't really have any form of coat. When I moved up here, it was beginning of May and the weather was quite warm. It was closing on July and now, it was toasty. However, the jacket spoke to me and I bought it.

Once I was done paying for my new wardrobe, Alice and I exchanged phone numbers and solidified our plans for Friday at The Violet Hour. Walking back to my house, I put my clothes into the closet and went to make something to eat. I didn't have much in the pantry or fridge so I knew I had to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I'd used PeaPod, a local grocery delivery service, while the brownstone was being renovated, but now I wanted to get out there and wander the aisles of the local grocery store. Iadded it to my mental things to do tomorrow.

After my meal, I went downstairs to do some work on my client's pages and designs. Working until nearly midnight, I dragged my body up the four flights of stairs before crashing in my king-sized bed. As per usual, I woke up several times during the night, thrashing and dripping with sweat. Fucking nightmares. I tried to go back to sleep but ended up watching some lame movie on the Lifetime Movie Network. I ended up sobbing like a baby at the end of it. The movie was cheesy and predictable but helped me fall back asleep, thanks to my crying jag.

The next morning, I woke up and went for a run along the lake. There was something about the lakeshore that made me feel at peace and very 'Zenned' out. Once I finished with my run, I was stretching out when I saw a man run past. He had on a hat, facing backwards and was shirtless. He was quite athletic looking with a muscular back, ripped abs and strong arms. Even though I wasn't not interested in dating, it didn't mean that I stopped looking. The man was hella sexy and very, very confident.

Hmmm, masturbation fodder?

If only I had seen more of his face. He had on sunglasses and other than a very prominent, angular jaw, I didn't see much else.Shaking it off, I finished my stretches and ran back to my brownstone so I could shower and go grocery shopping, filling my pantry with the necessary items of my survival. I dressed in one of the new outfits that Alice suggested. I wore a pair of mint green skinny jeans with a navy blue tank top. I put on some bangle bracelets and a pair of earrings before slipping on my flats. I stuffed my wallet, cell phone and some lip gloss into my new cross-body bag and drove to the nearby Mariano's. Parking mycar, I walked inside and grabbed a cart.

This store is awesome! The amount of fresh produce astounded me. I skipped around the produce department, filling my cart with everything that I wanted, from fresh fruit, to veggies, to herbs and spices. I continued my exploration of this amazing store, giddy with anticipation of all of the delicious meals I could cook with the available ingredients. After I picked up some various cuts of meat, chicken, pork and ground beef and turkey, I idly wandered up and down the aisle. I'd randomly toss an item or two into my cart, thinking of what I could create with it.

In the world food aisle, I found a slew of cento tomatoes, which I knew were great for making pasta sauce. I wasn't ready for making that, but I did find some jarred cento sauce, but it was so high that I practically had to climb on the shelves. I hate being short.

"Here, let me help," said a smooth, baritone voice. It sounded like melted chocolate. A jacketed arm reached above me, grabbing two jars of the sauce.

"Wow. Thanks," I said, taking the proffered jars. "Could I also get a vodka sauce, too?"

"Gladly," he replied, handing me another jar. He turned to face me and he was gorgeous. I blinked up at him, trying to contain my drool. He was over six feet tall with the most unique colored hair. It wasn't brown but it wasn't red either. It was a uniquetone of copper with blondish highlights mixed in. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of jade with flecks of blue. "I wouldn't want you falling," he chuckled.

"No, not really," I blushed. "Though, I'd be more likely to fall walking on a flat surface. I'm horribly clumsy."

"And yet you were trying to scale the grocery shelves to get a bottle tomato sauce," he teased.

"This stuff is good. My grandmother swears by it," I said, arching a brow. I looked at him again and saw that he was wearing a fireman's polo underneath his jacket with a pair of navy blue pants and some hefty boots. Underneath the embroidered logo of the fire department was his name, I presume. Cullen.

"Well, if your grandmother swears by it, then go for it," he laughed. Holding out his hand, he gave me a crooked grin. "I'm Edward. I'm a lieutenant at Fire Department Eighteen, just around the corner."

"I'm Bella. I live ten minutes from here and enjoy risking life and limb for the perfect jar of pasta sauce," I chuckled. "Nice to meet you." I shook his hand and an unnerving sense of warmth radiated up my arm. I felt comforted and at ease for the firsttime since...

Stop it. Swan.

"Cullen, come in," crackled a deep voice from the radio on Edward's shoulder.

"Go ahead, McCarty," Edward replied.

"Man, we need you back at the house. We've got a fire on Addison," McCarty said.

"On my way," Edward answered. He frowned at his cart and turned to me. "I've got to go. It was nice speaking with you, Bella. Perhaps, I'll see you around." He left the cart, turning on his heel and darting away. I noticed it was filled to the brim of food: meat, bread, butter, milk, eggs, chips, veggies...

Do your good deed for the century, Bella. He's saving someone's life. The least you could do is buy the groceries. With a firm nod, I pushed my cart, pulling his and went to the check out. I paid for all of the groceries, loading up my truck and driving home.

A/N: I read an article of someone doing something similar to what Bella did. I loved it and would do it if presented the opportunity. Just sayin...leave me some!

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