Chapter Twenty-Six

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Twenty-Six


Bella and I finished our cheeseborgers and walked around downtown Chicago. I pointed out some architectural things and history. Bella was really interested in the fragments of various historical buildings on the Tribune Tower. She took pictures with her brand new phone, asking a million questions. I answered as best I could, but was just thrilled to see her smiling.

She was so beautiful when she smiled.

And yes, before you all get all pissy, I have feelings for this beautiful girl. Something about her makes me want to protect her. Her story broke my heart. Seeing her fall apart shattered me. Knowing what she went through, it definitely caused my 'superhero' complex to kick into high gear. Yes, I had just broke it off with Tanya, but we weren't doing anything but fucking around. Tanya wanted a relationship but I definitely didn't want one with her. Now, Bella? I want it. I want it bad. I want it so badly, that I can taste it.

I knew I had to tread lightly. Bella trusted Alice, Jasper and me with her story. I couldn't force her into something she wasn't ready for. James had been brutal with her, leaving her to die and causing her to lose her child. I had to prove to her that not all men were evil monsters like her ex. In her mind, she was resigned to be alone. I knew, deep down, she didn't want that. If she wanted her solitude, she wouldn't have bought those groceries or made friends with my sister.

"Edward?" Bella called to me, her voice sounding sweet but confused. "You okay? You were spacing out."

"I'm fine," I smiled. "Just thinking."

"Good things?" she asked, her espresso colored eyes twinkling.

I think so. I'm imagining kissing you. "Definitely. Do you want to go an architectural tour? I know a lot, but these boat tours are so much more interesting," I suggested.

"Actually, could we go to Millennium Park? The couple next to me said that there's a free concert at the...crap...what's the name of the music thing?" she asked.

"Pritzker Pavilion," I chuckled.

"That's it. It's all movie themes and television themes. It's supposed to start in an hour," Bella blushed. "I'm a sucker for movie themes. Most of the music I listen to is movie soundtracks."

"Well, let's go," I said, offering her my hand. She tentatively reached for it. Once her tiny hand was in mine, I threaded my fingers with hers, squeezing her hand gently. Not wanting to bring further attention to it, I led her toward Millennium Park. We talked a bit about her work. I had googled Bella's name and found a lot of articles about her stellar portfolio. She was a big deal in the graphic design world, a pioneer and revolutionary artist. She had been honored with several awards and had a lot of big-name clients, including Summit movie studios, several big name gaming sites and online stores like Etsy, Ulta and Sephora. Her photography portfolio was gorgeous as well. I perused her website, shocked at how elegant she made everything look for the wedding photography and her artistic work was beautiful, but you could see the sadness pushing through.

We made it to the Pritzker Pavilion just in time to see the orchestra start. We sat down on the grass, sipping some water that Bella had bought us. "I wonder what they're going to play?" she asked, smiling widely.

"I think they're doing an homage to sci-fi movies," I said, looking around and seeing the posters.

"Oh, cool," she said, clapping her hands. We sat and listened to the music. Bella was enthralled with the musicians, watching them with rapt attention. I was trying to watch Bella without getting my balls cut off. An hour later, the concert was over and the crowd started to disband. "That was awesome."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said, standing up. I offered her my hand to help her up. Easily tugging her off the ground, she stumbled and crashed against my chest. Her hands braced themselves on my abdomen.

"Sorry," she said, blushing and stepping back. "I'm a habitual klutz."

"No big deal," I smiled. "Do you want to wander around the park?"

"I have to make a pit stop, then yes," she said, adjusting her purse. "Be right back." She strode away. I tried to keep my eyes on the lake, but her ass was just calling for me. Like a perv, I looked. I bit back a groan. I was such as an ass man. Eh, who was I kidding? I was a woman man. Anything about women made me horny, from their soft bodies, to their long hair, to their sweet scents, to their delectable flavor...

Down, boy.

My phone rang from my pocket. I picked it up, seeing Garrett's name and groaning. "What's up, Chief?"

"Can you come in tomorrow? I know you were supposed to be off until Thursday, but we're down a man," Garrett said. "Seth's girlfriend is in labor."

"Yeah, I'll be in," I said. "Tell Seth congratulations."

"Leah may be calling you, too. Since Seth is at the hospital, they're down a bartender at Clear Waters," Garrett snorted. Just as he said that, my phone beeped. I looked at the screen, chuckling. "What?"

"Leah's on the other line. I'll see you tomorrow, Chief," I snickered. Flipping over the call, I laughed, "What time do you need me?"

"Um, now?" she whimpered.

"Leah, I'm kind of out right now. I have to go home, shower, change and then drive over to the bar," I said. "I'll be there at six. Can you last for that long?"

"Yeah, we'll make do," she sighed. "See you at six."

Bella was walking back as I put my cell phone back into my pocket. "You ready?" she asked.

"Unfortunately, there's been a change in plans. One of my guys, Seth, his girlfriend is in labor. I was called in to work tomorrow and Leah, his sister and fellow firefighter, called me. She asked me to take Seth's shift at their bar," I cringed. Bella frowned slightly, nodding. "Why don't I drive us back to my condo? I have to change into a pair of jeans and my Clear Waters shirt. Youcan hang out with Alice and we'll all go to Clear Waters together?"

"You sure Alice is available?" Bella asked, her eyes filled with fear.

"The shop is closed on Sundays. Come on, sweet girl. It'll be fun," I said, offering my hand to her. I need to stop calling her that. She's going to freak out.But, she didn't. She eagerly took my hand and we walked back to the parking garage. Not the way I had envisioned the day to end, but the bright side was that she was willing to come.

A/N: Pictures of the fragments and Pritzker Pavilion are on my blog and tumblr. Links for those are on my profile. You can also find some photos on my Facebook page: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. I'm also on twitter:tufano79. Up next will be some bar fun and by the end of Edward's bank of chapters, there will be some drama. Please, leave me some!

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