Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Four

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 174


Edward and I took a nap before we had round two. He woke me up with kisses all over my body and brought me to new heights with his tongue. After round two, we took a bath since we were both sweaty and I had to take down my hair. The bobby pins were giving me a headache. Edward took great pleasure in finding every one in the bath tub before washing my hair with some tropical scented shampoo.

Edward and I went back to bed and slept until his cell phone rang from his tuxedo pants that were on the floor. "It's the day after our wedding. Can't they let us fucking sleep?" he grumbled, finding his phone and glaring at it. His hair was standing up on end and his face was creased with pillow lines. "Fucking Harold. I'm ignoring him."

"Wasn't he at the wedding?" I asked, yawning and snuggling against Edward's chest. "I could have sworn I saw him doing shots with Emmett."

"He was at the wedding ..." The phone rang again. "Oh, for the love. WHAT?!" I giggled. "Harold. Don't make me drag my naked ass out of my honeymoon suite to kick you the nuts."

"Oh, God!" I laughed, covering my face with a pillow. Edward tickled me.

"No, Harold. We are not spending today going over anything related to medical school. I have three days to be a husband to my wife. Do you know that means? I'm fucking her. Balls deep. In fact, I'm inside her now."

"Yes, baby! Harder, Edward," I moaned.

"You call me again and I will seriously maim you with my dick," Edward growled. "I'll see you on Wednesday. Not before." He ended the call and turned off the phone. He tossed it onto the floor and groaned. "I swear to God, that boy is going to be the death of me."

"What did he want?" I asked, moving so I was perched on Edward's lap. I rolled my hips, feeling Edward twitch against my ass.

"I don't know and I don't care because my wife is giving me a great show. Are you going to fuck me?" he asked, waggling his brows.

I smiled, grasping his hardness and sliding down his length. "Does that answer your question?" The phone call from Harold was quickly forgotten as we got lost in each other for the third time.

However, we did get dressed after that to get some food and spend time with our family before they drove back to Chicago. I also needed to see my baby girl. Despite the fact that Edward and I got our swerve on, I felt like a lousy mother, more focused on my libido than the needs of my child.

"Bella, stop," Edward said, cupping my chin as he forced me to look up at him. We were dressed in jeans and sweaters since the weather had changed overnight. "Our baby is the most important person in our lives but that doesn't mean that we get to neglect each other. Don't fret about taking these few days for us."

"I know. I'm sorry. We need to nurture our relationship just like we nurture our baby," I said, hugging him close. "Come on. They are eating brunch in the tasting room and planning on leaving in an hour or so." Edward nodded and tugged on a hat since his hair was a lost cause. We went to the tasting room and were the recipients of hugs, kisses and inappropriate comments. Thanks, Emmett. I went directly to Alice and picked up my daughter from her arms. Marie giggled as I spun her around, holding her tightly against my body. Edward joined us, pretending to eat Marie's foot and then kissing her belly.

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