Chapter Seventy-Six

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Seventy-Six


It was the day before Bella's birthday. I was working and trying to figure out what to get the woman of my dreams. I was perusing online, trying to find anything that would be meaningful and show Bella how much I loved her. Everything that I saw seemed too trite or too contrived. I knew I procrastinated. Big time. Life had just snuck up on me with the injury, this new relationship...I loved every minute of it, but it sent me reeling since I was not ready for her birthday and had zero time to go out to buy anything.

"Edward, there's someone here looking for you," Tyler said.

"Okay," I sighed, shutting my laptop and walking out into the garage of the firehouse. Chatting with Emmett was Bella's father,Charlie. He was dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a button down shirt. He wore a pair of silver aviator sunglasses. "Hey, Charlie!"

"Edward," he smiled. Bella had his smile, slightly crooked and it lit up her whole face, just like Charlie's. Bella also had his coloring, but she had her mother's slender frame. My girl was petite with the perfect amount of curves. Shaking off my pervy thoughts, I focused on talking to Bella's father. I shook his hand. "Bella had interviews this afternoon for her new office and was meeting with your mom and sister to discuss décor for the new digs. She got a great space..."

"She did and a great deal, too," I chuckled. "So are you slumming it?"

"Yeah," he chuckled, running his hand through his greying chocolate brown hair. "Bella felt badly about not entertaining me, but I told her that I could figure something out. She gave me her car if I wanted to explore. I couldn't figure the damn thing out. All these bells and whistles." He wrinkled his nose. "Give me a Crown Vic with a set of lights and a siren and I'm happy. I remembered that the station was nearby and that you were working."

"Do you want to hang out here?" I asked. "I was just looking for a birthday present for Bella online but I've had little luck in finding what I want. Or what she would want." I led him into the lounge area. He followed, his hands thrust in his pockets. "Want something to drink? We have every soda you could possibly ever want, sports drinks, and water..."

"A coke would be great," Charlie said, sitting down at the table. I grabbed two cokes and sat down next to Bella's dad. "What are you looking at for Bella's birthday present?"

"I honestly don't even know," I grumbled, opening my MacBook. "I was thinking about a new camera, but she's got amazing equipment, being a photographer and all. Then, I was thinking about jewelry. That seems almost too impersonal...I'm lost." I thrust my hands into my hair, sighing heavily. "I want to spoil her, make her feel loved and cherished. Do you have any ideas?"

"I don't think I'm in a position to give you suggestions. I'm just now getting to know my daughter," Charlie murmured sadly. "My only suggestion is that you get something from the heart. Maybe a weekend away or something. I'm a bit blind when it comes to affairs of the heart. The last time I was smitten, I got abused horribly by my ex, Renee. She took away the best thing in my life in Bella because she was bitter over being pregnant. Ever since, I've shut myself off from anything related to romance. Less likely to be hurt."

"That sounds a little like Bella when I first met her," I said sadly, remembering the incredibly sad and distant girl who had captured my attention. "She was determined to keep everyone at arm's length. There was a month that she isolated herself from everyone except my sister. There was a situation at this local bar, Clear Waters, where a patron got in Bella's face and she just imploded in sadness and fear. She bounced back, though. It was her wakeup call to get the help she needed. Bella started working with a therapist and has been going ever since. She's got to be the strongest woman I know, Charlie. Every day she amazes me with her strength, smarts and ambition."

"I bet you're glad that she didn't stay closed off," Charlie mused quietly. I nodded, thrilled that Bella and I were together and that we loved each other. "You two seem so 'in tune' with each other. It's amazing to see. I'm happy that my baby girl has some wonderful friends and a man who is protective of her, loving her unconditionally. Heaven knows she never really had that growing up." Sighing, Charlie leaned back in the chair, watching the baseball game that was on the flat screen. "So, you don't mind that I'm stealing Bella for her birthday? You didn't have anything planned, did you?"

"No, I honestly didn't. Her birthday just snuck up on me. Though, I do think that I want to take her away for a long extendedweekend or something," I murmured, surfing the web for some ideas. "Someplace close, but far enough way to just allow us to relax. Perhaps Michigan? They have some amazing vineyards with spas and such..." My parents had stayed in a reallybeautiful bed and breakfast in Traverse City a couple of years ago. I did a search, finding the Chateau Chantal. Beaming, I arranged for a long weekend, the weekend following Charlie heading back to Forks.

"Did you find something?" Charlie asked.

"Yep and I think, after talking to you, I know what I'm going to get her for her birthday," I smiled crookedly.

"Care to enlighten an old man? I'm dying of curiosity," Charlie quipped.

"You will have to find out when Bella does," I smirked. "Do you mind if I come over early on Sunday to cook her breakfast since you're getting her tomorrow?"

"I'll even help. I'll make the coffee," Charlie laughed.


A/N: What do you think Edward has in mind for Bella's birthday?? Hmmmmm? AND the weekend they are away is the lemony citrusy weekend...just saying and something to look forward to! Holla!!

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