Chapter One Hundred Twenty

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 120


I ended up sleeping in Alice's room. I left once my mom drifted off to sleep around four in the morning. I woke up to the smell of bacon, sausage and breakfast goodness. I didn't want to get up since I was so fucking exhausted, but I dragged my ass out of my sister's obnoxiously pink bedroom. In my room, the bed was neatly made. I took a quick shower since I still smelled of my destroyed home. Dressing in a pair of jeans and my hoodie, I went downstairs to find my mom and Bella making breakfast. My fiancée looked a little worn around the edges with puffy, red eyes and chapped lips, but there was a peace in her movements that I hadn't seen before.

"Morning, Edward," Mom chirped, handing me a large mug of coffee. I needed that shit desperately. I downed half the mug in one gulp, topping it off almost immediately. "Your father and I are going to run some errands. I wanted to wait until you woke up before we left. Also, the cops called. Sargent Voight and Detective Halsted will be here this afternoon to discuss your case."

"Thanks," I said, sipping more of my coffee.

Mom kissed my forehead, brushing my hair back. "You need a haircut, Edward Anthony," she teased, ruffling my damp locks. I snickered. Mom walked over to Bella, enfolding her into her arms. "I love you, sweetheart. I'm just a phone call away if you need me."

"Thank you, Esme," Bella whispered, snuggling in my mother's arms. My mom kissed Bella's cheek before darting up the stairs to get my father, who was presumably in the bathroom or their bedroom. Once we heard them leave, Bella put a plate of blueberry pancakes, sausage, bacon and eggs in front of me. She wouldn't look at me. Her body was hunched and she clutched her coffee mug like it was going to save her. I pushed away from the counter, getting up to talk to my love. She backed away, skittish like when we first met. "Eat, Edward. Esme said you didn't have any dinner."

"I don't care about the food. I care about you," I whispered, reaching to touch her. Tentatively, I cupped her cheek. She jumped slightly and then leaned into my hand. "I love you, Bella. Nothing will ever change that."

"Even though I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?" she quipped sadly.

"You're not. My dad explained it briefly and my mom gave me more insight," I said, taking her tiny face in my hands. "I want you. I know that you are hurt deeply by your mother's involvement and everything that is happening, but all I want is you."

"I'm sorry about falling apart," she sniffled, tears tracking down her cheeks. "You lost your home and I ended up having a nervous breakdown."

"I think you were entitled since it was likely that James and Renee were involved," I said, stepping closer to her and taking her coffee mug, placing it onto the counter. Tenderly, I wrapped her in my arms. She collapsed against me. Her sigh was shaky and her body was trembling. "I love you, Bella. I will always love you."

"I love you, too. I am truly sorry. I-I-I..." she trailed off.

"Shhhh," I soothed, kissing her hair and swaying us gently. She didn't cry. Bella did grip my hoodie and nestled closer, trying to burrow into my body. My stomach, though, decided to make its presence known and it growled angrily, begging for food. Bella giggled, dragging me to my perch and pushed my breakfast toward me. With a sheepish look, I tucked into my meal and we sat quietly. Bella was leaning against my shoulder as I ate. After I was finished, I did the dishes and led Bella into the living room. We sat on the plush sofa. Bella was curled to my side, idly playing with the strings of my hoodie. "Bella, I think we both need protection. Obviously, whoever is starting these fires is getting closer to us."

"Like a bodyguard?" she asked.

"Something like that. Just some extra help. I don't want you to be afraid anymore. I want to end this. All of this, sweet girl," I muttered, wrapping my arms around her tiny body. "I want us to have a happily ever after."

"I do, too. It's just that all of this is ..." she frowned, her hands clenching into tight little fists. "I feel responsible. I know that it's not really my fault, but it was your connection to me that put a target on your backs."

"We're meeting with the police later today," I said, holding her on my lap. "Hopefully, they will have some suggestions. All I know is that I want you to be safe and happy. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that."

"And what about you?" she questioned, looking up at me. "You're in as much danger as me, Edward."

"Again, we'll ask the police when we meet with them," I said, kissing her softly. "For now, I'm going to be glued by your side until you get sick of me."

"What about work?"

"I'm on paid administrative leave. I'll probably see if I can go back in a month or so," I shrugged. "Besides, I'll need to deal with the aftermath of the fire. Insurance claims, cleaning out the place and putting it up for sale. That is if you are still okay with us being roomies."

"I don't want to be without you," she whispered, her brown eyes filling with tears. "Ever."

"I want to be with you forever, too, love," I said. "Nothing will keep me away from you, Bella. I will be with you always."

A/N: Up next will be the conversation with the cops, Sargent Voight and Detective Halsted (Chicago PD connection...). After the conversation with them, time will move forward a bit. There will be more drama. Lots more. Who do you think will be the next target? Leave me some!

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