Chapter Seventy

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Seventy


An hour later, Emmett was back and he seemed his normal, jovial self. He even had four hamburgers, indicating he was not worried about anything. The man was a bottomless pit usually, but when he was upset he would throw up with anxiety. After his first call as a firefighter, he spent nearly the rest of his shift in the john, puking his guts out.

Around six, a few people left, including Leah and Jacob who had to work at Clear Waters. Kate and Garrett arrived, carrying atwelve pack of beer. I lit the fire pit on the patio and we all settled into various chairs and chaise lounges. Bella was curled up between my legs, idly twisting my watch around my wrist as the sun dipped further, darkening her yard. There was laughter and good times, but my girl seemed pensive, lost in thought.

"What's with this?" I asked, pressing between her furrowed brows. "We're at a barbeque, drinking and having fun. No sullen faces."

"I'm sorry," she chuckled. "I just never had this before. My mom and I were never really close. We moved around so much that I didn't have many friends. James would have work parties but nothing like this where everyone could be chill. It's nice to have this. I love it, honestly."

"Well, everyone adores you," I said, nuzzling my cheek with hers. "I think my mom wants to adopt you."

"That would be weird. Dating my brother?" Bella giggled, looking up back at me. "I don't want to break up with you becauseyour mom wants to adopt me. You're too perfect."

"Ah, no," I snickered, kissing her nose. "I'm far from perfect."

"Well, you're perfect for me," she smiled, her eyes twinkling and something crackling around us. "Edward...I..."

"Ugh, Isabella! What have you done to my mother's home?" shrieked a female voice, slamming the back door open. "And a party? Where was my invite?"

"She can't be here," Bella blanched. "Why is she here?"

"Who, love?" I asked, ready to kick this woman's ass.

"My mother," Bella whispered, tears streaking down her pale cheeks. Turning in the lounge, I saw an older version of Bella with highlighted hair and a pinched face. She was scowling at our friends, obviously not happy that they were here. Hanging on her shoulder was an overnight bag. "I need to talk to her. Get her to leave."

"I'm going with you," I said, helping Bella off the chair. She stumbled, barely catching herself on my arm. I held her tightly to my body as we walked up the steps to the deck.

"You are such a slut, Isabella," Renee sneered as she watched her daughter walk up the stairs. "What about James? What would he do if he knew you were fucking around on him?"

"James and I are no longer together and he's not in my life, Renee," Bella snapped. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see my only daughter, but apparently, you are too busy spreading your legs for your boy toy," Renee smirked, giving me the once over. Her smirk turned into something sexy and she winked at me.

"Renee, you are not welcome here," Bella said.

"Why not? It was my house at one point," Renee growled. "I did live here before I met that loser, Charlie. Your sperm donor?" She dangled her keys in front of her face. "And if I'm not welcomed, why do my keys still work?"

"Because I haven't changed the locks but that's first on the to-do list tomorrow," Bella deadpanned. "You lost all rights to come visit me when you took James' side when he beat me to a bloody pulp, causing me to lose my baby. Your granddaughter."

"James did not touch you," Renee scoffed. "He was with me and Phil, out on the boat."

"Renee, you have thirty seconds to get the fuck out of my house and out of my life," Bella seethed. Renee reared back, slapping Bella harshly across the cheek. Bella glared at her, walking through the kitchen and pointing to the door. Renee scoffed again, stomping out of the house and down the street. We followed her, watching as she hailed a cab, giving Bella the finger. Fresh tears fell onto Bella's face. She was quickly crumbling. "Can I ask a favor of you?" she whispered, sounding broken and small, very much like how I first met her.

"Anything, love," I said, enfolding her in my arms.

"I need new locks," she sniffled. "Can you get some?"

A/N: And so Renee rears her ugly head...Fall out from her visit will continue next chapter.

Also, you must have noticed that I have not been updating this as often. RL is kicking my rear end, with the beginning of the school year, my own RL issues and just finding the motivation to write. In regards to updates, I'm planning on updating every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for this story, so long as I have chapters to update with. It's mainly pre-written, but with lack of mojo and other commitments (RL and fanfic related), it's been tough to get above water. Please be patient...

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