Chapter Twenty

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Twenty


"Bella?" I asked, walking out onto the balcony. She fell further into herself, still sobbing brokenly. I got to my knees and crawled to her. Her back was pressed up against the wall. Her brown eyes were darting around, looking for an escape. She looked like a trapped animal. "Sweet girl, talk to me."

"He's going to find me," she hissed, looking panicked and terrified. "She's going to make sure of it."

"He won't find you, Bella," I said quietly, moving closer. Tentatively, I reached for her hand. She jumped away, curling into a tighter ball. "Sweetie, please listen to my voice. I'm not going to hurt you." She whimpered, tears tracking down her face.Seeing her so afraid shattered me. Who was this 'he'? "I'll never hurt you, sweet girl."

Alice, Emmett and Jasper must have heard her shriek. They were all standing at the door. I shooed them away. Bella wasobviously in the middle of a very scary and real panic attack. She needed to get out of it. Jasper came back. He had a syringe. "A sedative," he whispered. "Just in case. I don't know what happened, but she may need it."

I took the syringe, placing it next to me and Jasper walked back inside. "Bella, please, let me help you," I whispered, moving closer to her. She was crying quietly, her face buried in her hands. "What happened? Who was on the phone?"

"My mom," she cried, wiping her face. "She...she is determined to get me back together with him."

"If you don't want to, then it's your right to say no," I said, moving closer to her. I could have, if I wanted to, gathered her in my arms, but I wanted her to come to me.

"She hates me and wants me to get together withhim even though he killed me inside," she said, banging her head against the wall. What happened to you, sweet girl? I wanted so badly to crush her to my chest and make all of her pain go away.

"Bella, listen to me. I want to help you. Whatever this is, it's shattering you," I murmured, reaching my hand to hers. "Not everybody is going to hurt you. I promise you, as a friend, that I'll do everything I can to protect you. Just, take my hand, sweet girl." She eyed me dubiously, tears still streaking down her beautiful face. "Please?"

She sniffled, her body shuddering uncontrollably. When her hand twitched, I could see the tremors. Slowly, she placed her tiny hand in mine and I pulled her from the corner and into my lap. She gripped my shirt, her body molding to me and she sobbed. I held her, rocking her and whispering words of comfort. Her tears eventually tapered off and her body grew heavy in my lap. Looking down, I saw that she had passed out from exhaustion. Her face was still pained, even in slumber. I placed the syringe on the table next to me and I picked her up from the ground. Carrying her inside, Alice led me to her guest room. I put Bella on the bed, prying her fingers from my shirt. Her eyes flew open when I covered her with a blanket. They were panicked, terrified. I did the only thing I could think of. I slipped off my shoes and climbed into the bed with her. "Listen to my heart, Bella," I said, enfolding her in my arms. "Smooth and steady. You're safe here."

She whimpered but pressed her ear to my chest, listening to my heart. I stayed with her in my arms. Jasper came and did a cursory examination, shaking his head at her panic attack. Alice wanted to search through her purse for any sort of medication, but I gave her the look. Emmett was sad that this sweet woman was so upset and he wanted to do something to assuage her fears. She eventually drifted off, her ear still pressed to my chest and her fingers clinging to my shirt. I stayed in the bed with her, rocking her tenderly and listening to her ramblings.

"No...not tonight," she hissed in her sleep. "Hurts...I said NO!" She wriggled and her hand moved to her flat stomach. "You'll hurt the baby..."

I looked down at her, seeing that she was crying in her sleep, trying to curl into a fetal position to protect her belly. My heart broke for her. I held her tightly, kissing her forehead. "What happened to you, sweet girl?" I whispered into the darkness.

A/N: What do you think? Please leave me some lovin...Thanks!

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