Chapter One Hundred Eight

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter 108


"It's a bummer that you can't stay at the hotel, Edward," Jasper said as we got ready in my condo. "Alice and I have a suite and it's going to be so much fun."

"I have to go to work tomorrow at ten. If we stay in the hotel, Bella and I are just going to spend the entire night going at it like horny bunny rabbits," I snorted. Granted, that's what I wanted to regardless. Hopefully, celebrating our engagement. The ring was buffed, cleaned and sized, nestled in my pocket. "We're just going back to her place afterward."

"Do you know how you're going to propose?" Jasper asked, his eyes dreamy.

"I don't know. I know that I want it to be just the two of us. You know? I have to somehow get her away from the crowd so I can drop to one knee and promise that I will love her forever. That I want to marry her and be her husband, the father to our children..." Jasper shot me a sharp look. He knew Bella's history, probably better than most since he was the one who got her the therapist she met with on a weekly basis. "Whether it be biologically or adoption, Jas."

He nodded, adjusting his bowtie. "You also have to be prepared for Bella not wanting any children, too. She may have been too scarred emotionally with what James did to her, Edward," he said.

"It doesn't matter, Jasper. I want her," I whispered, spraying my cologne on. "Regardless if she wants kids or not."

"Good answer," he said, smacking my shoulder. "Now, the limo will be here in ten minutes. We need to pick up our beautiful ladies. Do you know what Bella's wearing?"

"Alice mentioned silver," I said, picking up my overcoat and keys. "She personally made Bella's dress for this benefit. She wants her to be the belle of the ball."

"Imagine that," Jasper laughed, pushing me out of the condo. We rode to Alice's place and Jasper used his key to let himself in. I could hear peals of girly laughter "Ali! We're here!"

"Just putting the finishing touches on our hair," Alice yelled back. A few more minutes and they both walked out. Alice's dress was a bright crimson chiffon with a floral design wrapping around one shoulder, keeping it up. Alice's hair was curled, pinned to her head with a bright red bobby pin. She looked like she came from another era, but elegant in her own way. Bella, though, was a vision. Her dress was a silver, art deco design. It clung to her curves, accentuating them enticingly. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders in waves. Her lips were a soft pink while her eyes were smoky and seductive. Alice laughed as she closed my mouth. "Don't drool, Edward. It's not becoming."

"Shut it," I growled at her. My sister just snickered, snuggling up to Jasper. Striding over to Bella, I took her face in my hands. "You are perfectly exquisite."

"So are you," she murmured, running her hands up my lapels. "I guess this is what you get when Alice has enough lead time." She stared up at me, her chocolate eyes twinkling along with Alice's Christmas tree. She looked so elegant and perfect. "Edward? Are you okay?" I was staring at her, wanting to drop to my knee now. I wanted to see her finger adorned with my great-grandmother's ring. A ring that would be hers until we die. A ring that went perfectly with her dress. "Edward!"

"I'm sorry," I blurted out, dipping my head and brushing her lips with mine. She melted against me, her arms traveling up my shoulders and tangling into my hair. "I love you, sweet girl. I'm so incredibly lucky to have you on my arm tonight."

"I love you, too," she breathed, nipping at my lips.

"Okay, lovebirds," Alice chimed in, laughter in her voice. "The limo's here and we have to get going. Mom and Dad have to be there early for pictures for the pictures with all of the department heads." With another chaste kiss, Bella and I walked out and waited for Jasper and Alice to lock the door. We rode down the lobby, clambering into the waiting limousine. My parents were also staying at the hotel. Bella and I would use the limo to drive us back to her place.

Arriving at the hotel, Alice, Jasper and my parents checked into the hotel. I made arrangements with the limo driver, getting his cell phone number. My parents went immediately into the ballroom while Alice, Jasper, Bella and I got drinks in the cocktail area. While we sipped our champagne, I looked around for a place to sneak Bella away so I could ask her the most important question of my life. Jasper poked me, nodding to a decorated courtyard. I smiled crookedly, wanting to kiss my sister's boyfriend. He chuckled, raising his glass to me.

"Oh, Bella, there's some silent auction items. Let's check them out," Alice smiled, tugging on Bella's hand. "Perhaps there's something you can bid on for my brother."

"That would be awesome. I have yet to get Edward's Christmas present," Bella smirked, kissing my lips. "Let's go."

Once they disappeared into the crowd, Jasper turned to me. "I think we need to make some arrangements for your proposal, Edward. Come on!"

"I like the way you think, Jasper," I smirked.

A/N: Pictures of all of their dresses are on my blogs, along with a few photos of the decorations for the benefit. We're getting closer to the proposal. What do you think Bella will say? Links for my blogs and tumblr are on my profile. You can also find me on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation and on twitter: tufano79.

Caught in the FlamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora