Chapter Sixty-Three

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Sixty-Three


He chuckled, his lips finding the hollow behind my ear. "I'd move mountains to be with you, Bella. Injuries be damned." Pulling back, he stared into my eyes and I felt that warmth and love radiating from him.

"Did you feel that way with Irina?" I asked, not really thinking. The warmth dissipated from his eyes and he pulled back slightly.

Open mouth. Insert foot. Smooth, Bella.

"Shit, I'm sorry," I squeaked, trying to get off the counter. "I'll just go."

"Stop squirming, Bella," he said, caging me with his body. "I don't want you to go."


"I want you to stay and we should talk about Irina. But I'd rather do it in the bedroom or the living room. Not my bathroom," hesnorted.

"Are you mad at me?" I whispered.

"Never, sweet girl," he said, kissing my forehead. "Come on. Let's veg out on the couch and talk about Voldemort." He helped me off the counter, gently holding my hand and guiding me to the living room. He got a couple of bottles of water, sitting down on the couch. "Bella, don't be intimidated by Irina."

"I'm not," I said, jutting my chin out defiantly. Liar, liar, pants on fire!

"Bella, I know that we've been together for less than a month, but I think I recognize when you're lying," Edward smirked. "You saw Irina and I can see that you're questioning us."

"She's very pretty," I mumbled.

"If you like fake plastic parts, yes. She's a living, breathing Barbie doll. I was dazzled by her beauty at first but then as we grewcloser, I knew that she wasn't pretty on the inside. She was actually pretty fucking cruel. You know, Leah?" He asked. I nodded. "Irina called her every name under the sun because she hates gay people. Irina was banned from Clear Waters. I should have known that she was a cruel vindictive bitch when she called Leah those names, but blindly I thought I loved her and that I could change her." He picked my hand, idly playing with my fingers. "Irina is not in my life, just like Tanya."

"Compared to them, I'm a troll," I deadpanned.

"I disagree, Bella. They may be outwardly beautiful, but it's what is inside that draws me to you. You are gorgeous both inside and out. You're real. You make want to be a better man and I want to be that man for you. I live to see you smile, to see those adorable dimples. I adore your blush, how it brightens up your entire face. Your dry sense of humor and wit keep me on my toes. But, what's in here," he whispered, pressing his hand just above my heart, "is what makes me want you. And only you. You are my future, Bella. Am I yours?"

I bit my lip, staring at him. Moving subtly so I was on his lap, I put my hand on his warm chest. "I am yours, Edward. I never thought I'd find a man who would accept me, broken and all."

"You're not broken, Bella," Edward chided.

"Technically. I was broken, but I've gathered all of the pieces that were shattered of me and I'm slowly putting them together," I said. "I know that Tanya and Irina are your past, like James is mine. I want you. Badly, but my fears are overwhelming."

"I'm willing to wait, love," he smiled, his lips quirking up to a crooked grin. "You're already getting better."

"I am," I said, leaning forward to kiss him. He smiled as we tentatively kissed, sweet and gentle. His hands moved up to my hair, tugging out my hair tie and tangling his hands into my curls. I licked his lower lip, tugging on it with my teeth. He growled, pulling me closer to his hard body. His tongue slid inside of my mouth, tasting me. I rocked against his growing arousal, earning me another growl. Pulling back, I stared into his evergreen eyes. "I may not be ready to make love, but I want more."

"Me, too," he whispered. "In the bedroom, love. I want to take my time and I want you in my bed." His voice was rough and needy. He sounded as turned on as I did. Biting my lip, I got up off his lap and he took my hand. Kissing my wrist, he pulled me toward his room.

I was excited. I was scared. I wanted him. He wanted me.

In his bedroom.

A/N: Needless to say, citrus warning next chapter. Leave me some.

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