Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Fifty-Nine


After a celebratory dinner, Bella went home to do some work on her new assignment from Summit. She also had to send back the contract to Victoria. The next day, I went to work and spent yet another shift filing paperwork, typing up reports and being Garrett's lackey. When I wasn't dealing with that, I was helping out Emmett with arranging for the guys to help him and checking on my mom for the deliveries.

I also chatted with Bella. She had begun the process of transferring the money for the purchase of the office space. She seemed happy at this new venture, telling me her business plan and the renovations she had in line for the office. I promised I'd help in any way I could. She eagerly accepted my help and said that she'd need my muscles more than anything.

Early Saturday morning, Emmett dragged me out of bed. I was the driver of the rental truck. Jacob, Paul, Tyler and Jasper were all helping us with moving Emmett's belongings out of storage and into his new home. He didn't have much, but he was able to salvage his CDs, some books and family trinkets. Rosalie got lucky in just having to pay him restitution. I would have fought harder for a felony vandalism charge, breaking and entering and trespassing. Emmett just wanted her out of his life. He did manage to get a restraining order against her, not that a piece of paper could do much.

The help that Emmett needed was for some minor redecorating. The paint on the walls was very feminine, pink and peach. After we moved him in, the walls were going to be painted gray and beige.

Loading up the truck, Emmett and the boys followed me to my condo complex. Parking near the freight elevator, we managed to get everything up to Emmett's floor, just above mine, in one trip. We were all working on pushing the furniture to the center of the room to start painting. We had just finished taping the living room when there was a quiet knock on the door. Emmett jogged to the door, opening it up. Standing outside was Bella and Alice, dressed in grubby clothing and holding paint rollers.

"Need some help?" Bella asked.

"That would be awesome," Emmett smiled, hugging both of them. "These guys are awesome, but I fear for my floors and ceilings."

"We can just leave," Tyler barked.

"Please don't," Emmett whimpered. "I need this pink shit off the walls. I got a great deal on this place because I was buying it as is. The woman who lived here before me loved Pepto Bismol pink."

"It is pretty feminine," Alice snorted. "I love the frilly sheers, Em. The lace suits your personality."

"I got new drapery but I have to paint first," Emmett chuckled. "Do you think that you could work on the bedroom? That's a god awful peach color."

Alice and Bella nodded, taking the paint and padding into the bedroom. We worked on Emmett's walls for a couple of hours. Around three, he ordered some pizza, bread sticks and other nosh. When the food was delivered, Bella and I went down to getit since everyone was covered in paint. I wasn't as bad since I was working with the girls in Emmett's bedroom. Bella was just fastidious about paint. Emmett was determined to get her, but she'd proven to be elusive.

"I think that Emmett's bedroom may be done when we leave," Bella said, pulling her hair out of her ponytail. She rolled her head.

"He'll be happy with that," I said, sliding behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. I nuzzled her neck, pressing soft kisses on her skin. "Do you think you can stay tonight?"

"I'm glad I brought my bag then," she giggled, turning in my arms. She brushed her lips with mine. "It's at Alice's."

"Good," I said. The elevator opened and we paid for the food. As the delivery guy left, someone familiar slipped into the lobbyof my condo. She smiled as she sauntered to me, looking like she was on the hunt. "Bella, let's go."

"Okay," she said, not noticing the feline walk of the approaching huntress. She was trying to balance the bags of food.

"Don't go running off because of me..." the huntress purred. "I just want to talk."

A/N: Cliffie...who is the huntress? Leave me some!

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