Chapter Ninety-Three

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Ninety-Three


We arrived at the hotel after about a half hour drive. Edward was quiet and shooting daggers at Jacob for the rest of limo ride for his obnoxiously rude comment. Jacob at least had the decency to look ashamed from his outburst. Leah also mentioned something about putting Jacob's balls in a vice if he couldn't keep his inappropriate commentary to himself. His hands were cupped around his family jewels protectively as he sat as far as he could from Leah in the limo. Seth, Leah's brother said he'd hold down Jacob after his crude remark.

After dropping off our bags at the front desk, a friendly and flirty concierge promised that they would make it to our suite. The woman tried to seduce my boyfriend but he was having none of it. "My wife and I will be excited to get into our accommodations in the Presidential Suite after the Black and White Ball," Edward said with an edge to his voice. The concierge paled and muttered something under her breath about discounting our stay. Edward smiled tightly, kissing my lips before dragging me away and toward the large ballroom.

"Did I miss the wedding?" I teased. "Where's my ring, hubby?"

"Shut it. I wanted the skank to stop undressing me with her eyes. I was visually raped, Bella," he deadpanned. "And you are wearing white. Perhaps tonight is our wedding, hmmmmmm?"

A wedding with Edward?

I never thought that after James I'd open myself to love, let alone get married. Did I want to?

Yes, I do.

I do...

Unable to stop myself, I tugged on Edward's hand and pulled him to me, kissing his slightly red-stained lips. "I love you," I whispered.

"I love you, too, sweet girl," Edward murmured back, his brow furrowing. "What was that for?"

"Just because you're you," I answered evasively. Because you mentioned my name and wife in the same sentence. Because I want it. Badly.

"Edward!" boomed Emmett. On his arm was a very funkily dressed Jet in an asymmetrical black dress. "We're at the same table with Jacob, Seth, Leah, Garrett, Kate and Laurent."

"Laurent? How did he get an invite?" Edward asked, his nose wrinkling. "He just started."

"His invitation was placed into his mailbox, thinking that it was Mike's mailbox. Apparently, the brass didn't get the memo that Mike resigned and is now working as a janitor in Northbrook," Emmett snickered.

"Did he come with a date?" I asked.

"Nah, but he was eyeing Leah, I think. I tried to tell him that he wasn't her type since he didn't have the right parts, but he was still giving her goo-goo eyes. Or maybe he was just staring at the appetizers?" Emmett snorted. "You guys want something to drink?" We went to the bar, ordering some house wine. Emmett wanted to do some shots, but I politely bowed out and Jet said that this was a black-tie occasion and having shots would not be appropriate.

Walking into the ballroom, it was elegantly decorated with white and black decorations. The round tables had large white floral arrangements, looking more like a wedding reception than an awards ceremony. Finding our table, we sat down in our assigned spots. I was in between Edward and Laurent.

I had only met Laurent a handful of times, but there was something off-putting about him. He had a staring problem when it came to me. Each time I went over to the house and Laurent was there, he just stared. Edward spoke to him about it and Laurent apologized, but he still just stared. His 'flirtations' with Leah were just a front, I would assume. The true object of his affections appeared to be me.


Plus, he looked familiar and I couldn't pinpoint where I had seen him before. It was a mind-baffling puzzle that I didn't care for.

"If you want to switch with me, we can," Edward said as he saw Laurent's name next to mine. He was well-aware of my distaste for Laurent. I nodded and Edward rearranged the seats so he was next to Laurent and that I was sitting next to Kate. I much preferred her company to creepy Laurent.

Once settled in our seats, the emcee began his introductory speech. I felt like someone was staring at me. Flitting my eyes over to Laurent, he was almost glaring at me with a creepy, almost feral smile touching his lips.

What. The. Hell?

A/N: Raise your hand if you think Laurent is a bad guy!

Pictures of the banquet hall are on my tumblr and blogs. Leave me some!

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