Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Nine

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 159


After our conversation that evening, I started researching medical schools. I was reading about Northwestern and University of Chicago, comparing the two, when my dad and mom came into the brownstone. "Hello?" sang my mom. "Edward?" From what I heard, my mom must have put some food in the fridge.

"In the entertainment room," I responded, making a few notes on the pad of paper about Northwestern before popping the pen back into my mouth, switching to the window that had information about University of Chicago. My parents came down the stairs. Mom was carrying a bag and her folder that held everything about our upcoming nuptials. "If you're looking for Bella, she's out with Alice, shopping for Marie and for our wedding night." I waggled my brows at the last statement.

"We know," Dad said, sitting down and turning on the television, chuckling quietly. "Alice told us that they were going out. We're here to talk to you. Bella told us about your conversation. About getting into medicine?"

"And about your fears," Mom chimed in, taking out a tin of her homemade cookies and handing them to me. "Don't eat all of these at once. You're not working them off like you used to."

"I don't need a reminder, Mom. Thanks," I snapped sarcastically.

"There's no need to be rude, Edward," Dad said sternly.

I glared at him. "What? I know that my position in the firehouse is gone. I don't want to be reminded of that fact. I hate that I can't do my job anymore," I snarled, tossing the tin onto the table and pacing away from the couch.

"Edward, I'm sorry," Mom said softly, tears trickling down her cheeks. She shot up and ran up the stairs, her sobs breaking my heart. You're such an asshole, Cullen. Making your own mother cry?

"Mom ..." I called out.

"Sit down, Edward," Dad said quietly. I recognized that tone from when I got drunk the first time in high school. I was about to get my ass handed to me on a silver platter. You deserve, it jackass. I sat down, looking at my father warily. "I know that you're in pain. The injuries you sustained are horrible, but your head and your brain are completely intact. Where do you think in that head of yours that's appropriate to lash out at the people who love you the most? Your fiancée? Your mother?"

"I didn't. I'm so sor ..." I began.

"Be quiet," Dad hissed, his eyes narrowing. "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your mother and to your fiancée." He pinched his nose, huffing out a breath. "I know that you are struggling with your limitations. You loved your job and you have every right to mourn that loss, but not at the expense of the relationships around you."

"I know that. It's just that Mom's dismissive comment about my not 'working' off the cookies cut to the quick," I muttered bitterly, falling back on the pillows. "You think that I can't remember that I'm no longer working as a firefighter? You think that I need a reminder that it hurts to breathe, to walk, to move?"

"Your mom's comment was unintentionally ..." Dad muttered.

"Unintentionally or not, it still hurt," I spat, clenching my teeth and sitting down on the couch, thrusting my hands into my hair. I huffed out a breath, staring at the cookie tin. "Look at me, Dad. I've had two significant stab wounds and second and third degree burns on my chest, arm, belly and neck. I'm weak, tired and unable to protect the love of my life because of all of this. I'm terrified that James is not going to stop until we're all dead and there's not a damn thing that I can do about it!"

"Edward, I'm sorry," Dad whispered, moving to sit next to me. He draped his arm around my shoulders, rubbing my back. "I know that you're overwhelmed." He sighed, looking at me. "You and Bella will be okay. Your child will be protected." He moved closer to me, taking my hand. "Trust me."

"I'm scared, Dad," I choked out, squeezing his hand.

"We're all scared, Edward. Why don't you and Bella come stay with us for a couple of days?" he suggested.

"No, thank you. That won't help any. If anything, it'll make Bella more paranoid. She already feels this strange guilt for bringing James into our backyards. Bella would never forgive herself if something happened to you or to Mom," I explained. "I'm going to find Mom and apologize."

"Give her some time," Dad said. "Let's talk about your choices of medical schools. I know your MCAT scores are off the charts, if memory serves."

"I've applied to Northwestern and University of Chicago, interviewing for both next week," I shrugged. "It's a formality, really. So, which one would you recommend?"

"I'm partial to Northwestern since I'm on the faculty," Dad smirked. "But, University of Chicago has a stellar program, especially pediatrics, emergency medicine, OB/GYN, and internal medicine. In fact, Dr. Popper, Bella's OB went to University of Chicago."

"I think that I'm leaning toward University of Chicago. I love you, Dad, but I want to build my own name separate from yours in the medical field," I said, wrinkling my nose slightly. "And working with children, pediatrics, sounds appealing."

"Well, then, let's strategize your responses to ensure your entrance to the University of Chicago Medical School," Dad said. He picked up a pad of paper, jotting down a few questions. We spent a half hour going over possible questions.

After that, Dad turned on the baseball game and I went upstairs to check on my mom. I carried the tin of cookies to kitchen where I found my mom scouring the stove. "Mom?" I called. She looked back at me, her eyes red and puffy. "Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"You had every right to snap. My comment was flippant and cruel," she said, her voice detached and sad. "I know that you're coming to grips with your injuries and that you're upset at not being able to do your job. I never meant to hurt your feelings."

"I'm sorry about being a prick," I frowned, moving closer to her. I put the tin of cookies on the counter and got some milk from the refrigerator. I poured us both a glass. "Mom, please stop cleaning the stove and look at me." She put down the sponge, looking like someone who had killed their puppy. "Do you forgive me? Please? Mom, I didn't mean to hurt you; to make you cry."

"I'm sorry for my flippant remark," Mom sniffled, walking to me. I enfolded her in my arms and my mom cried against my shoulder. I gently swayed her back and forth, my cheek pressed to her hair. "I want to support you in whatever you do. You could become a world-renowned underwater basket weaver, an entrepreneur, or ..."

"I'm going to go to medical school. I am still going to help my friends in reopening Clear Waters, but I want to help people," I said, releasing my mom and hopping up on the counter. I opened the tin of cookies, taking out a chocolate chip cookie and handing her the glass of milk. My mom chuckled, taking my proffered peace offering. "I may not be able to be a firefighter, but I can still help people."

"You'd be a fabulous doctor, Edward," Mom said, nibbling her cookie. "You're dedicated, just like your father."

Bella and Alice walked in, Jasper following closely behind them with his arms filled with bags. "Did you buy out the whole store?" I laughed.

"Your sister is spoiling her niece," Bella snickered, pulling out a stuffed purple, floppy bunny. She hugged it to her chest, looking beautiful and enticingly innocent. "We got some goodies for the baby shower. It's happening at the end of July."

"Come on, Bella. Let's put all of this stuff in the baby's room. Mom and Edward are having a moment," Alice giggled. "I know exactly where to put this guy." Alice and my fiancée left the kitchen, going up the stairs with Jasper.

Mom finished her cookie, arching a brow. "Does Bella know about your decision about going to medical school?"

"She does and she supports it fully," I said, smiling crookedly. "Perhaps you can give her tips on being a doctor's wife."


A/N: So, Edward was a bit of a jerk to his mom. Granted, she was a little inconsiderate with her comment, too. Leave me some lovin, please? ;-)

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