Chapter One Hundred Forty-Three

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 143


It was nearly six at night when Edward was rolled into an ICU cubicle. He was on a ventilator since he had some significant damage to his lungs due to smoke inhalation, not to mention the operation to his heart. The hospital was being assholes on letting us visit him. They refused me entry since I wasn't family. I was borderline hysterical when they denied me access. Emmett held me tight as I sobbed. Esme was a picture of smooth grace when she demanded that Carlisle be called down, along with Eleazar, the chief of staff.

An angry Carlisle and an stern Eleazar got me admittance into Edward's cubicle, saying that I was his fiancée, but seeing my infallible, strong fiancé hooked up to so many machines and looking a sickly gray, made me regret my decision to see him.

No, you don't. You love him. Edward will get over this and he will be stronger than ever.

I sat down next to him, trying to keep my tears at bay. Hesitantly, I reached out for his hand. His fingers were cold, just like the environment he was located in. "Edward," I whispered, rubbing gentle circles on the back of his hand. "I'm here, baby. I'm so sorry that you were hurt. Please, wake up for me." Wake up for us. Our baby needs his father. "I love you. I love you so much. I need you!"

"He's in a medically induced coma, Bella," Eleazar said as he looked at Edward's chart.

"He will wake up, right?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Right now, it's best for him to sleep since his body has been through a horrific ordeal," he said, putting the chart down. "We will keep a close eye on him and once his lungs have healed enough, we will wean him off sedatives keeping him asleep."

"How long until those are out of his system?" I asked, kissing Edward's knuckles that were bruised and scarred. "How long will it be?"

"A day or two to get the drugs out, but he needs time to heal," Eleazar explained. "Bella, you look like you're dead on your feet, sweet child. Go home and get some rest." He arched a brow at me.

"I can't, Eleazar," I choked out, pressing my cheek to Edward's cold hand. "I'm not leaving until he does. I need him and he most definitely needs me."

"Bella, I saw your intake paperwork when you were admitted for your fall earlier today," Eleazar said. "I also used to work as an OB/GYN prior to becoming the chief of staff. I know you want to be there for Edward, but right now you need to make wise decisions for your baby within you. Sleeping in an uncomfortable recliner in a hospital room is not what your body needs. Especially with your head injury, the emotional trauma and sheer exhaustion you must be feeling."

"But ..." I whispered. "I need to be here when he wakes up."

"Which won't be for at least a couple of days," Eleazar chided gently. "I'm going to speak with the charge nurse and with Edward's surgeon, who is in the lounge. When I get back, you are going to go home and sleep in a bed." I opened my mouth to argue, but he shook his head. "Bella, please? For the baby?"

"For the baby," I whispered, looking down at my flat belly. "Thank you, Eleazar." He left me in the room with my fiancé. He was still sleeping, his chest rising and falling robotically with the life support machine. I looked at him, noticing that they had washed off the soot from the fire from his skin. His right side was covered in special bandaging, obviously for the burns on his body. I could see some of the red angry welts along his neck. They were bright against his pallor. His face was free from any burns, but the damage was abundant from James' physical attack. His eyes were black and the left one was swollen shut.

"Edward," I murmured, picking up his bruised hand. "I know you can't hear me, but I wanted to ..." I closed my eyes, letting the tears flow. "I wanted to let you know that I'm here for you. I love you and I'm so sorry for everything. I ran away because I thought that it would be the safest for you and your family, but obviously, it wasn't. As a result, I hurt you. I never intended to do that, baby. I want forever with you, if you'll still have me."

I blew out a breath, dropping my forehead to his arm. "And I want to tell you some extraordinary news. It truly is a miracle, but together, our love, created a baby. I'm pregnant with your baby. Edward, please fight, if not for me, then for our baby. Our miracle ..." I stood up shakily, pressing his hand to my belly. "Your love did this, Edward. Please don't let me raise her alone."

The emotions of the day caught up with me and I collapsed in the chair, crying quietly. I lay my cheek on his bicep and snuggled as close as I could until Eleazar came back. "He'll be in good hands, Bella. I've s poken with the charge nurse and you'll be allowed admittance anytime, but you have to get at least eight hours of sleep. Carlisle and Esme are waiting outside for you. You're going home with them."

I gave him a watery grin before turning back to Edward. I pressed a soft kiss to an unmarked part of his jaw. "I love you, Edward. I'll be back soon. Keep fighting." I pulled back, brushing his messy hair back and running my fingers along his chapped lips. Woodenly, I pulled away and allowed Eleazar to guide me out of the room. Once in the waiting room, I was enveloped by the warm, loving embrace of Edward's mother. I wanted nothing more than to sob brokenly at what had happened, but I had to stay strong. If Edward was fighting for his life, then I would fight for us. Our family.

A/N: Still, I ask you, what do you think happened to James? Did he bleed out? Get necrotizing fasciitis? Took a dip in a Lazarus Pit? Leave your speculations about him in a review. See you on the flip side, kids!

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