Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Thirty-Nine


"Edward, you should wear a tie," Alice said as she held up a coordinating tie to my suit. "I mean, come on!"

"I'm not wearing a tie, Mary Alice Cullen," I grumbled. "Do you know how hot it is outside? A sauna would be frigid compared to the gajillion degree heat we've got going on."

"You're a firefighter. The heat should not bother you," Alice chided.

"I'm a pussy when it comes to hot weather. Bite me," I said, adjusting my suit coat.

"What's the plan for tonight?" Alice asked me, guiding me into the bathroom. She sat me on the toilet, attacking my head with her fingers and some stuff in my hair. "You're getting her flowers, right?"

"I've got a bouquet on order at your favorite floral shop," I said.

"It's not roses," she deadpanned. "It better not be roses, Edward Anthony. That is so tired!"

"I got Bella purple roses. Not red. That would be too forward. Purple means enchantment and I am enchanted by her," I smirked. "In regards to the date, we're starting at Spiaggia for dinner. I have reservations for six. Then, I want to take her to the Sears Tower."

"Willis Tower," she corrected.

"Fuck that shit. That building has been the Sears Tower for as long as I've been alive. It will always be the Sears Tower. Willis is a douchebag for making them change it," I huffed. Alice laughed hysterically, as per usual. I always defended the Sears Tower despite its new name. She just got me riled up. "Brat."

"You love me," she said as she sobered. "Now, continue...Willis Tower?"

"You suck," I grumbled. "I'm taking her up to the observatory, look out over the city at night. The last thing will be a horse-drawn carriage ride. I paid for a private ride that will end at Buckingham Fountain."

"Sounds very romantic. Give my Jazzy some tips, will ya? His idea of romance is making love with candles," Alice snorted.

"I don't need to know that, Mary Alice. In my eyes, you're still a virgin," I said flatly. Alice guffawed again. I poked her in the stomach as I got up and sprayed on my expensive cologne. "Do I look all right?"

"You'd look better with a tie," she snarked, stuffing it into my pocket. I rolled my eyes. "But, you'll do. Now, make sure you treat her like a lady. Open her doors, hold her hand and be all gentlemanly. Pay for her meal and don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Say goodbye, Mary Alice," I said, pushing her out of my condo. "Thanks for your help."

"WEAR THE TIE!" she laughed as she walked to the elevator. I flipped her off, closing the door. I grabbed my wallet, cell phone and car keys. Making sure I had the receipt for the carriage ride in my wallet, I darted out of my condo and down to the street. I hailed a cab, not wanting to deal with parking. I asked him to stop at the florist's shop so I could pick up the flowers. Paying formy dozen purple roses, I clambered into the cab and gave Bella's address. Ten minutes later, I arrived at Bella's brownstone. Paying him, I walked up the steps to her place. Ringing the doorbell, I waited for Bella to open the door. A few moments passed and the door opened it up. My mouth watered when I saw her. She was an absolute vision.

"Wow! You in a suit...that's hot," she breathed, eyeing me in my light gray suit. "Seriously, you've got to be sweating. Come in, come in!"

"I obviously wasn't planning this right," I chuckled, handing her the roses. She took them from me, cradling them in her arms. As she buried her nose in the bouquet, I looked at her. She was beautiful with her chestnut tresses curled and hanging down her shoulders. Her makeup was soft and simple, enhancing her already gorgeous features. She wore a long, black and white striped dress that was tied around her neck. It accented her petite frame, making her look so elegant, but summery and fun. She turned and her entire back was on display. I wanted to touch her silky skin.

"Let me put these gorgeous flowers into a vase," she said as she glided into the kitchen. Her feet were bare and I smiled at her pedicure on her toes, matching her dress. I followed her. She struggled to reach a vase. Placing my hand on her bare back, I reached above her and handed it to her. "Thank you," she blushed. I caressed her soft skin. Bella shuddered.

"You look exquisite, Bella," I said, smiling down at her.

"Thank your sister. She came over, at six in the morning mind you, to drop this off. She even had it hemmed so it wouldn't dwarf me," Bella said, hiking up the skirt over her knees. "It's quite comfortable, though. And cool. Perfect for a night like tonight." She walked to the sink, filling the vase with water and arranging the flowers. "Thank you for the flowers. The last time I got flowers was when I graduated from college from Grams. She couldn't make the ceremony, but she sent me a huge arrangement in my school colors. It stayed alive for nearly two weeks! This green and gold monstrosity, but I loved it. Grams remembered that I graduated as opposed to my mom who was too busy gambling away her paycheck at some casino. Grams also gave me a hefty check, too. I used it for my security deposit for first apartment away from my mom."

"Your Grams sounds like an amazing lady," I said.

"She was. I miss her every day," Bella sighed, placing the flowers on the kitchen table. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah. We have reservations in a half hour," I replied. "I hope you like Italian food?"

"I love it!"

A/N: Their outfits will be on my tumblr (link is on my profile). Pictures from the date will be up once it's done. Leave me some!

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