Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Six

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 136


"Bella, please. You were supposed to be home hours ago. I checked your flight and it wasn't delayed. Where are you?" I asked into my cell phone. "I love you. Please call me." I hung up my phone, leaning back on my bed at the station. There was a flu outbreak and it was all hands on deck. I was getting ready to pick up Bella when I got the call from Garrett, asking me to come in. Alice went to pick up Bella, but texted when Bella was a no-show.

I'd been calling and texting ever since.

The phone calls went directly to voicemail and the texts were unanswered.

I was fucking worried.

Sick to my stomach with anxiety.

What if?

There was a knock on my door jamb. Garrett was leaning casually against it. "No luck?"

"Nope. I think the news about Peter sent her over the edge, Garrett. She's been through so much and now, this? I can't stand to lose her," I muttered, leaning back on the pillows. "Did the cops catch James? Renee?"

"James is in the wind, but Renee was almost caught according to Sergeant Voight. She got away, hopping into a private helicopter, flying toward Wisconsin," Garrett cringed. "Good news is that Phil Dwyer was arrested. His money has been cut off from his wife. She'll have to come forward at some point. She doesn't look the type of person who carries a ton of cash. Only charge cards."

"You know that neither of them is going to give up," I grumbled. "Until Bella is back in his clutches or she's dead or he's behind bars, he won't stop. I hate that she has to live with this constant fear."

"You're also in danger, too," Garrett said, arching a brow.

"Don't remind me," I groaned.

The sirens blared, alerting us to a rescue mission in downtown Chicago. It was a car that had fallen into the Chicago River. From the description, the driver was drunk and lost control of his car on one of the bridges. It was a water rescue, which meant I had to go into the frigid cold, murky waters of the river along with Seth and Ben, the other two scuba-certified squad members. I changed into a wetsuit, strapping an oxygen tank to my back. In the river, we could see the tail lights of the car. Just barely.

The three of us jumped into the river, diving towards the car. There were three people in the car. Two were frantically trying to break free, but unable to due to the pressure of the water. The driver was not moving and based off the amount of blood coming from his head, he didn't appear to be alive. Using hand signals, we began working on cutting away the windshield. Ben worked on the backseat, freeing the woman inside. He swam to the surface and returned a few moments later, helping us with the two people in the front seat.

We managed to cut the two people free. Carefully, we swam to the surface. Angela and Jessica were waiting at the edge of the river, ready to resuscitate the victims. As I feared, the driver was dead. The water had hidden the fact that his neck was snapped, probably from the impact into the river. There was nothing that could be done for him. The other two were in serious, but stable condition, transported to Rush Medical Center.

When I got back to the station, I took a shower and checked to see if Bella had called. She hadn't. I sent her a few more texts before slipping into my bed and falling into a restless, troubled sleep.

The next morning, Alice called me and said that she had heard from Bella's father. Apparently, my fiancée had taken a trip to the Pacific Northwest. Charlie was up in arms because Bella was a hysterical, sobbing mess when she fell into his arms last night. Alice told me that she was going to fly to Seattle and check on Bella. I wanted to go, but the flu had taken a firm hold of three other firefighters. I would be staying at the house until further notice, only to be relieved when our coworkers weren't puking their guts out.

I picked up my phone again, dialing Bella's number. "Bella, I know where you are. Please come home to me, love. I miss you. I love you and I want to be with you," I whispered. Hanging up, I went into my office and filled out the paperwork about the accident. I had to keep my mind off the fact that Bella was not with me.

Come home, my love. I need you.

A/N: Edward is missing his woman and is worried about her. Not that I blame him. Leave me some!

Caught in the Flamesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن