Chapter Eighty-Two

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Eighty-Two


"I swear I'm going to scream at the next person who honks," Edward grumbled. We were stuck on the Sky Way. There was a nasty accident, a jack knifed semi blocking the left lane that caused the toll road to come to a dead stop. Edward had his car in park, scowling at the unmoving vehicles around him. "What I wouldn't give to have my rig right now. Lights and sirens...they would have to move."

"Edward, we'll get there when we get there," I soothed, rubbing his arm.

"I kind of had this dinner thing planned," he said, shooting me a nervous grin. "I wanted to take you to this highly recommended restaurant in Traverse City. I had reservations."

"You can't help traffic, Edward," I said, taking his hand and threading our fingers. "Maybe this is God's way of saying that we just need to relax once we get to the Chateau. We're in Traverse City for a couple of days. There will be time to do everything."

"You're right. Then again, you usually are," he snickered, kissing my wrist. "Speaking of doing everything, what do you want to do while we're up there?"

"Whatever we want," I giggled. "We're going for a mini vacation, Edward. Every second doesn't need to be planned. We can do what we want, when we want. It's just going to be nice to relax since once we get back, my new business steps into high gear."

"Yes, the grand opening of your new storefront. Emmett is working over this weekend, making sure everything is good to go for your first week in the new office," Edward beamed. "He's avoiding Rose." Edward wrinkled his nose. "She came to the firehouse yesterday and she was begging to see Emmett."

"He made his decision, loud and clear," I frowned. "What she did to him was reprehensible. She has some brass balls, asking for help from him."

"Rose looked like a ghost, a waif," Edward sighed. "She has lost easily thirty pounds due to her chemo treatments. Her head was covered with a scarf and she looked lost. I feel for her, but I agree with you. She was a heinous, hateful, spiteful bitch to my best friend."

"Did she leave?" I asked.

"Only after Garrett escorted her out. He strongly suggested that she reconcile with Irina and rely on her," Edward sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"You feel bad for Rose, don't you?"

"I do, but in a way, I don't. Rose has always been harsh, mean and cruel. I didn't understand what Emmett saw in her. Probably the same thing that I saw in Irina when I first met her," Edward mused. "I hate that Rose is sick and doesn't have anyone to care for her, but in her own way, she brought it on herself." Cars around us began moving. Edward started his Mustang, putting it into gear. "Regardless, Rose has no place in our weekend away. Let's spend these next few days just enjoying ourselves, resting up during the calm before the storm."

"You'll be there? My opening day?" I asked. I had interviewed twenty people, hiring five designers, one receptionist and Peter as a photographer.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, sweet girl," Edward beamed as we began inching closer to the Illinois/Indiana border. I kissed his cheek and we spent the rest of the time on the road talking about everything for my new storefront, White Swan WebDesign. I had informed all of my current clients about the change and they were excited. As a result, I got some new clients lined up once I was moved into the shop.

Edward also told me about an upcoming event, honoring firefighters, squad members and paramedics for their hard work on the job. It was a banquet being held at the Palmer House in downtown Chicago on the first weekend of November. Edward informed me that it was black tie and he needed to be there, along with most of his squad. It was black tie and there would be dancing

Edward in a tux? Yes and please.

After nearly seven hours in the car, we finally arrived at the chateau. We did stop for dinner along the way in Kalamazoo at some greasy spoon. It wasn't the romantic restaurant that Edward had envisioned, but our growling stomachs made their presence known and we stopped.

Pulling up to the chateau, I was shocked at his opulence. We checked in, using the valet to park the car and were ushered into a very ornate, but comfy room. I crawled onto the bed, testing its firmness. Edward pounced onto it, curling around me and burying his nose in my hair. "My brain hurts from all that driving," he grumbled, kissing just behind my ear.

"I offered," I said, turning in his arms.

"I know, love. On the way back, I may take you up on it," Edward smiled, kissing my lips. "Now, while I was checking us in, the woman at the front desk said that the chateau only does vineyard tours on Fridays. Well, technically Tuesday through Friday. I was thinking we could do the tour tomorrow and then go out to dinner in Traverse City tomorrow night?"

"That sounds perfect. The weather, according to WeatherBug, is supposed to be sunny, but cool tomorrow," I murmured, kissing his nose. "I hope I can get some great photos tomorrow."

"If you're the photographer, then you will," he replied, giving me his crooked grin. "Now, I don't know about you, but all I want to do is shower, get the grime of traveling off me and then go to sleep."

"Do you want company?" I blushed. "In the shower?"

A/N: Cliffhanger...kind of...Leave me some!

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