Chapter Forty-Nine

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Forty-Nine


By one in the morning, the wreckage was cleared and the infrastructure reinforced by the city. There were thirty-seven casualties, including Lydia Snyder. Fifty-eight people were brought to nearby hospitals, twenty-three of them were critical. Melanie Snyder was admitted to Northwestern Memorial's pediatric ICU with contusions along her body and some internal bleeding. She was listed in critical condition. Injuries ranged from minor sprains to lost limbs. It was a horrible day for Chicago. The last train derailment of this magnitude happened in February of 1977. It happened in almost the exact same spot, too.

When I got back to the station, I stripped out of my clothes and showered, scouring the smell of death, sweat and pain frommy skin. Emmett and I drove back to my condo. I hated that my dinner with my parents had been interrupted. I hated that I was away from Bella, but I had to guess that she went home. Emmett continued up to my apartment. He was moving next weekend into a smaller condo in the same building as Alice and me. I went to my sister's place, hoping that Bella was still there.

Letting myself into Alice's condo, I saw my sister on the couch, watching television. "Hey," I said, my voice gravely from being around such toxic air.

"What are you doing down here? Go upstairs," she smirked.

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"Because, I sent you a text saying that Bella was going to be up in your place. Didn't you get it?" Alice asked, arching a brow. I pulled out my phone, which had died. I showed it to her, giving my sister a look. "Well, I sent it to you. Go upstairs, Edward."

"Kay," I said tiredly, dragging my body up the three flights of stairs to my own floor.

I walked into the condo and Emmett was quietly moving around. Bella was curled up on my leather sofa, holding a pillow. I pushed Emmett to his room while I walked over to the sleeping beauty on my couch. Crouching down, I brushed her tendrils of curls from her face. She was a vision of beauty and innocence. Her alabaster skin was glowing against the dark leather. Trailing my fingers down the soft curve of her cheek, she stirred. Blinking sleepily, she smiled. "Hey," she said roughly. "How are you?"

"Sore. Tired. Hungry. Sad," I answered honestly. She sat up, yawning and stretching her arms above her head. Then, she wrapped me in a hug, her fingers twining in my still-damp hair. The weight of the day came crashing down on me and I fell on my butt, bringing Bella with me. I clung to her, trying not to cry. My nose was buried in her sweet smelling hair as she held me tightly, rubbing her hands over my back and shoulders.

"I'm sorry, baby," she whispered in my ear. "I'm here for you..." I couldn't respond. Instead, I just crashed my lips against hers. She moaned, her fingers gripping my plaid shirt. Hungrily, I kissed her until we were on the floor, Bella splayed on the carpet while I hovered over her. I stopped my relentless assault, feeling like an ass. I pulled back, burying my hands in my hair as I leaned against the chair. Bella crawled to me. "Edward, talk to me. What is it?"

"I'm sorry," I said, my voice sounding broken. "I shouldn't have done that." My guilt for just taking what I needed from Bella was poisoning me. I felt sick. I was no better than her ex-boyfriend...

I wouldn't go that far, Edward. You just saved a baby, not killed one.

"Edward, I wasn't complaining," she said, gently guiding my legs down and settling on my lap. She cupped my chin, looking into my eyes. "Why would you think that?"

"I wasn't gentle or tender...I just took," I growled.

"Baby, you may have just taken, but you were still gentle. You weren't hurting me. I'm fine, but obviously you're not," she whispered. "What happened? Please, talk to me."

I pulled her closer, so I could hold her in my arms. She put her head on my shoulder and I idly played with her long, curly hair while I told her about Lydia and her baby girl. I described how I kept pulling body after body out of the wreckage and how it absolutely traumatized Mike Newton. When we got to the engineer, it was even worse. He wasn't even recognizable. He was a pile of mutilated bones, blood and flesh.

"It sounds like you need to see your counselor," Bella said softly, brushing my hair from my face.

"All of us are required to see the shrink tomorrow before we can go out on a call. It was so bad, Bella. I've been on this job for nearly six years and this...this was awful. The stuff of nightmares," I whispered, feeling so shaken. "I am so happy you're here, though. Just holding you...knowing that you're safe?"

"I was worried about you," she smiled, kissing my mouth sweetly. "I wanted to make sure that you were alright."

"I will be," I said, hugging her close. "Will you stay?"

"Ummm..." she sputtered.

"No hanky panky," I clarified.

"Did you just say hanky panky?" Bella giggled.

"Shut it. I'm tired and sore beyond reason. Work with me," I deadpanned, cupping her cheeks. "I want to hold you. Please, Bella? I need you, baby. Besides, it's not the first time we shared a bed..."

"Right," she blushed. "That night at Alice's." She kept brushing her fingers through my hair. The steady rhythm was lulling meto sleep. "I'll stay, Edward. I do need something to sleep in, though."

I nodded, my exhaustion superseding my need to eat. Bella got off my lap and I led her to my bedroom. It was a large room that I had completely renovated after Irina screwed me over. It was distinctively male, not frilly like Irina preferred. The walls were painted a deep, sable brown. My bed sheets were a light blue and it coordinated with the light blue black-out drapery. On the wall opposite my bed, I had a large print of one of my favorite Beatles' album covers. I loved the Beatles and felt like their music spoke to me.

Walking into my large, walk-in closet, I pulled out a pair of boxer shorts and a t-shirt for Bella. Pointing her to the bathroom, she padded inside and closed the door. I stripped out of my clothing and pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms and a loose t-shirt.

Ambling into my bedroom, my body tired and so very sore, I slipped between the sheets of my king-sized bed. Bella walkedout of the bathroom. Her hair was pulled back from her face in a messy bun and I bit back a growl when I saw what shirt I had handed her. It was my old academy shirt with my name on the back of it. The shirt was entirely too big and I could see the faint outline of her bare breasts underneath the fabric. Dropping her clothes from earlier on the chair, she crawled into bed. Pulling back the sheets, I enfolded her in my arms. "Thank you for staying," I whispered after I turned off the lights.

"You were there for me when I needed you," she murmured against my chest. "It's my turn now. Get some rest, Edward. Everything will be clearer with a good night's sleep." I nodded, tilting her head up and kissing her soft, pink lips. She snuggled against my chest, sighing contentedly. I followed her soon after.

A/N: Will he bring up Tanya? Will she understand if he does? Leave me some!!!

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