Chapter One Hundred Nine

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter 109


"Excuse me," I said once I found someone from the hotel. She was a young woman with a sleek bobbed haircut and a smart pant suit. She smiled at me. "I was wondering if you could help me?"

"What do you need, sir?" she asked. "I'm Molly, by the way."

"I'm Edward," I supplied. "As you can see, I'm one of the guests for the Northwestern Memorial Children's Wing Benefit. My father is one of the department heads in the hospital."

"I recognize you. From the calendar," Molly blushed. "It's a big seller so far."

"I can imagine," I chuckled wryly. "Look, I'm here with my girlfriend. She's currently perusing the silent auction. I would like, if it's possible, if I could use the courtyard to propose to her. I would like just a few moments alone with her."

"How romantic," she gushed. "Your girlfriend is a very lucky woman."

"I'm the lucky one," I breathed, reaching into my pocket and caressing the box inside.

"No one is using the courtyard, Edward. Let me work some magic and I'll come find you," Molly grinned.

"We're sitting at table twenty-three, Molly," Jasper said, handing me a tiny red ornament with a card attached. "Obviously, discretion is a must. Edward's girlfriend cannot suspect anything."

"I promise you that she will not suspect anything and that everything will be perfectly romantic," Molly vowed. "I'll come find you after dinner, Edward."

"Thank you, Molly," I smiled. She patted my arm and gave Jasper a grin before darting away, speaking into an earpiece that was discreetly attached behind her hair. "Are Alice and Bella still looking at the silent auction items?"

"And even bid on a few of them," Jasper smirked. "Bella really wants to get you some things from that silent auction."

"Do I want to know?" I asked.

"Nah, but I think you'll love them," Jasper answered. "The doors have opened and they're getting ready for dinner. Shall we?" We walked into the ballroom. It was elegantly adorned with red and silver decorations. Roses and silver ornaments were strewn everywhere. The tables were long, set up for eight people. At our table, we had my parents, Alice, Jasper, Kate and Garrett. We were seated just off the dance floor. I couldn't wait to hold my new fiancée in my arms. That's if she says yes.

I hope she says yes.

Jasper found Alice, who was talking to a friend of my father's. Bella was talking to my mother, holding a glass of champagne. I glided over to my girlfriend, wrapping my arm around her waist and kissing her neck gently. "Edward, where did you sneak off to?" Mom asked.

"Just getting our seats," I replied, handing Bella the red ornament. "And another drink."

"You're working tomorrow?" Mom questioned.

"Unfortunately," I frowned. "It's the price I have to pay to have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off. I'm on tomorrow and the day after, but off until December twenty-eight."

"Good. You and Bella are coming to our house for Christmas?" Mom asked.

"I don't want to impose," Bella frowned.

"Nonsense. You are not an imposition," Mom shushed. "You're a part of the family." I gave my mom a sharp look. She lightly swatted at me. "Why don't you sit next to me tonight, Bella? I want to talk to you about possibly setting a website for my newest philanthropic venture."

"What's that?" Bella asked, her eyes warm and loving toward my mother. They sat down at the table, headlong into my mother's idea. I sat down next to Bella while my father and the rest of the table settled into their seats. I was anxious, squirming in my seat. When the salad was delivered, Bella placed her hand on my thigh. "Are you alright? You're awfully fidgety."

"I'm fine, love," I answered, kissing her shoulder. "I'm just going to run to the restroom." She smiled at me softly, puckering her pink lips. I brushed my mouth with hers and darted to the bathroom. Jasper came with me.

"Dude, you need to calm down. Bella is going to know that something is up, Edward," he hissed.

"That's because something is up. This!" I said, pulling the box from my pocket. "What if she says no?"

"She's not going to say no. She loves you. Oh my God, a blind man can see how much she loves you," Jasper soothed, rubbing my shoulders. "Don't overthink it, Edward. Just say what you feel in your heart. She won't say no."

"Okay," I murmured, biting my lip.

"Do you need a few moments?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. He rubbed my arm and left me in the men's room. I leaned against the counter, taking deep breaths. I took out the ring, staring at it and watching the diamonds sparkle under the halogen lights. "Please say yes." I sighed, putting the ring back into my pocket and went back out to the ballroom.

I only had to get through dinner, but could I keep my food down? I was so nervous.

A/N: Again, will she say yes or no? Leave me some!

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