Chapter Sixty-Five

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Sixty-Five


The next couple of weeks were crazy. Edward had begun physical therapy for his back injury. He was slowly being weaned off the muscle relaxers and going out on calls, but still unable to really do much. At least he was no longer tethered to Garrett and able to help out with his crew.

I had closed on the travel agency. Using Emmett and his connections from being a contractor, we started demolition and renovations for my new office. Emmett's strength was commercial renovations. I trusted him to make decisions for what I wanted for the space while I worked on purchasing computers, software and placing ads for employees who had a background in web and graphic design.

This was a long time coming, expanding my business. I had been working myself to the bone, trying to keep my mind occupied, avoiding my pain from my ex-boyfriend and losing my child. My plate was overflowing with requests and contracts. Insomnia was good for that, but now that I was actually starting to live my life again, I was unable to keep it up. I had to turnaway clients and job offers due to the fact that I was not going to meet their deadlines, nor maintain their sites. Not yet. With the office, I could have three or four employees, plus an intern or two, doing the work that I was now doing by myself.

My relationship with my father was growing. Slowly. We talked nearly every night. I got to know him, finding out about his life in Forks, Washington. He told me about his job as a police chief and how he enjoyed fishing on his downtime. Charlie also sent me his itinerary for when he was coming out to visit. He would be in town for my birthday for an entire week. I could tell that he wanted to make a big deal out of it because he had missed out on so many of them thanks to my mother's interference. His hatred of Renee grew with each conversation I had with him. Mine, too. He was determined to make her pay for what she did to me. He was even trying to get her arrested for conspiracy to commit murder and assault when I was I attacked, providing an alibi for James.

I knew she needed to pay for actions, but my father couldn't do anything, really. We needed evidence and I wasn't about to go back to Florida to get it. I closed that chapter of my life and I was focusing on the new chapter. I knew I was being naïve in trying to ignore it, but I didn't need constant reminders of what I'd lost.

One day, in late August, I was at my new office, discussing what I wanted for the bathrooms with one of the plumbers that Emmett had hired. Alice breezed into the door, carrying a bag from a local sub shop and a tray with some drinks. I finished what I was saying, walking over to her. "Hey, Ali. What's this?"

"Lunch. You've been here all morning. You need a break," she said.

"Can we eat it in your store? I don't think we'll be able to..." As I spoke, there was a buzzing from a man cutting tiles in the bathroom. Alice grimaced and led me to her office next door. We sat at the small table in her office, tucking into our lunch. Through the walls, we could still hear the tile cutter, but at least we didn't need to scream at each other.

"Do you have any plans this weekend?" Alice asked. "With my brother or otherwise?"

"No. He's working on Friday. It's his first shift back from being injured. He's anxious to get back into the game," I answered. "We were talking about doing something on Sunday, a barbeque or something since it's Labor Day weekend, but we haven't solidified plans."

"A barbeque?" Alice replied, her eyes twinkling.

"Do you want to come?" I giggled.

"Well, normally, my family has this big blow out on Labor Day, but my dad's working and Mom's a bit bereft," Alice snickered. "I was going to host it, but having a barbeque in a condo is not nearly as fun as having it at a house. With a yard."

"You're subtle, Alice. Like a Mack truck," I deadpanned. "Besides, my yard is the size of your patio."

"No, it's not," she argued. "It'll be fun. We can invite the guys from the house, my mom, Jasper...I'll even help you cook."

"Alice, that's not helpful. That's a threat," I guffawed. "I love you, girl, but I fear for my pans with your severe lack of cooking skill." Alice made a face. "But, it sounds like fun. Edward and I were talking about inviting everybody. He can invite the crew when he works and we can go shopping while he's on shift."

"Yay!" Alice squealed, clapping her hands. "Now, enough about that. How are things going with Edward?" She waggled herbrows, looking like an evil villain.

"Fine," I replied, popping a chip in my mouth. "I mean, he's very sweet and gentle, letting me call the shots about our relationship on how fast or slow we go." I blushed slightly, looking up at Alice. "He said he loved me a couple of weeks ago."

"WHAT?! And you didn't tell me?!" she yelled, jumping up from her seat. My eyes widened. "Sorry," she giggled. "I'm just surprised that he said it so quickly. Edward is very hesitant when it comes to the matters of the heart. He took a long time to say it to Irina."

"How long were they together before they broke up?" I asked.

"Four years?" Alice replied. "He didn't say the elusive I love you until they were together for at least a year and it was after that,her true colors came out." She looked at me, her brow arched. I looked at my pop, uncomfortable with her scrutiny. "Youhaven't said it back."

"Do you blame me?" I whispered.

"No, I don't," she sighed. "Edward, though, is a good guy. He'd never hurt you, Bella."

"I know that. I experience it every time we're together, but getting my head to be on the same page as my heart, it's takingtime," I grumbled. "Edward tells me as often as he can, showing me with his actions and sweet gestures. I care about him. I feel something amazing toward him, but I'm terrified that as soon as I say that I love him, he'll change. The monster could come out and I'm in a situation like when I was with James." I bit my lip, toying with my pop. "I've talked to Pam about it and it's all in my head. I know this. I'm playing catch up, mentally and emotionally. He said he'd wait forever, but what if I can't ever say it back."

"I have a distinct feeling that you will be saying it to him. Sooner than you think, Bella," Alice replied, smirking slightly. "Now,let's make a list of groceries for the Casa de Swan Labor Day Barbeque and Last Summer Blow Out."

A/N: We moved forward a bit in this chapter. Up next will be Edward's POV of the BBQ, some upcoming drama and...well, you'll see! Leave me some!

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