Chapter Seventy-Four

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

Also, you must have noticed that I have not been updating this as often. RL is kicking my rear end, with the beginningof the school year, my own RL issues and just finding the motivation to write. In regards to updates, I'm planning on updating every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for this story, so long as I have chapters to update with. It's mainly pre-written, but with lack of mojo and other commitments (RL and fanfic related), it's been tough to get above water. Please be patient...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Seventy-Four


Peeking out the side window, I saw a shoulder with a bag resting on it. Frowning, I unlocked the door and wrenched it open. Standing on my stoop was someone that I did not expect until at least Wednesday. "Dad?"

"Bella," he said, smiling. His mustache twitched nervously as he shifted his bag from one shoulder to the next. "Surprise!"

"Come in," I squeaked out, moving back, bumping directly into my still sleepy boyfriend. "Sorry, Edward."

"It's okay," he replied tightly, his eyes narrowed on my father.

"I thought you were coming on Wednesday," I sputtered out, taking my dad's luggage and putting in the living room.

"I managed to get some more time off and I switched my flights," Charlie answered, his face flushed and his eyes appraising my home nervously. "Bells, I haven't seen you in years. I couldn't wait any longer." Charlie looked at Edward, his brows furrowing. "Am I interrupting?"

"No! We were just watching a movie," I answered. "Charlie Swan, this is my boyfriend, Edward Cullen. Edward, my Dad, Charlie."

"Nice to meet you," Edward said, extending his injured hand.

"What happened to your hand, son?" Charlie asked as he gingerly shook it.

"I'm a member of the Chicago Fire Department, Rescue Squad, and I cut my hand on a boat propeller," Edward answered, clenching his fist.

"Firefighter?" Charlie said, his voice wistful. "How long?"

"Since I graduated from college. Roughly six years," Edward replied. "It's a grueling job, but I love it." Charlie beamed, obviously experiencing a bit of hero worship. From what I remember, the Forks Fire Department was voluntary and they didn't get called out very much, only on a random cat rescue or car accident.

"Dad, are you hungry?" I asked, guiding him further into my home.

"A little. All I got on the damn plane was a little bag of pretzels and a warm soda," Charlie grumbled.

"We have leftovers," I smiled. "Chinese okay?"

"My own shoe sounds edible compared to what I got served on my flight," Charlie sassed. I nodded, pulling out the leftovers from dinner, the fried rice, orange chicken and beef and broccoli. My boyfriend had shown my dad where he would be staying on the first floor, across from my office while I reheated the food. Charlie sat down, digging into his meal. Heating it up, I served Charlie a late meal, sitting down at the table, next to Edward. "Wow, this is great. You can't find decent Chinese takeout in Forks."

"You can't find any decent takeout in Forks. Isn't the Lodge the only restaurant?" I quipped.

"Nah. It closed down. All that's left is a truck stop just before you get into town. That only has convenience food," Charlie chuckled. "If I need takeout, I have to go to Port Angeles. Frozen pizzas and Stouffer's Hungry Man meals are my mainstays."

"Don't you cook?" Edward asked.

"I char, maim and destroy," Charlie snorted. "Cooking is not on my resume of applicable life skills. I tried, but nearly burnt down my house shortly after Renee left with Bella. After that, I decided to stick with meals I could make without burning me out of house and home. Pizza, microwaveable meals, or mooching off my deputy's wives. You'd be surprised how often I eat well when you're a pitiful, lonely bachelor."

"I can imagine," I deadpanned. "I can also only imagine what your cholesterol is, Charlie."

"I just had a checkup. I'm healthy as a horse," he laughed, rubbing his slight belly. "I can still outrun all of my deputies and collar all of the idiot high school students who think that I don't know they go to the beach to get high and drink themselves stupid. I was young. Once."

"So, how did you manage the time off, Charlie?" Edward asked.

"I haven't taken a vacation for as long as I've been the Chief of Police. When I contacted the mayor, he said that I deserved it and that I had as much time as I needed. I put in for two weeks. I left this morning and I don't have to go back until the twentieth. That's if it's alright."

"Of course it's alright, Dad," I said, my heart clenching. "I'm looking forward to spending time with you."

"Well, you know what they say about house guests and fish. They both start to stink after three days," Charlie teased. "I don't want you to feel like you have to entertain me."

"I'll keep you busy, Dad," I giggled. "I may not be able to 'entertain' you but we will spend some quality time together. I promise." Charlie smiled warmly, his eyes crinkling and his teeth gleaming behind his mustache. He finished up his meal and went to the bathroom.

Edward took my hand. "I'm going to go, love. You should spend time with your old man," he said quietly.

"Okay," I murmured, my face flushing. "You don't have to leave, though. I'm certain that Charlie won't mind..."

"I don't want to give him the impression that...I want to do right by you and showing him that I respect you. It's his first night in Chicago," he explained. Walking back into the kitchen, Charlie yawned as he sat down at the table. "Charlie, it was a pleasureto meet you. I look forward to getting to know you better while you're here in Chicago."

"You're going?" Charlie asked. "You can stay, Edward."

"I'm probably going to have Jasper, my sister's boyfriend and a doctor, check out my hand and then crash. Perhaps while you're in town, we can catch a baseball game or something?" Edward suggested. Charlie smiled, nodding excitedly. Edward cupped my chin, brushing his lips with mine. "Love you, Bella. Call me if you need anything."

"Love you, too," I smiled against his mouth. He nuzzled my cheek before grabbing his keys and leaving out the back way, toward my garage.

"He seems absolutely smitten with you," Charlie said, his voice amused. "And from what I can gather, a good man."

"How would you know that?" I asked, curious.

"His eyes are always trained on you and while he helped me downstairs, he all but told me that you were the one for him. Edward would do anything for you, Bells," Charlie said quietly, his smile dropping. "If only I could have done the same..." He reached for my hand, taking my fingers in his. "I'm so sorry, Bella..."

A/N: To be continued...what will Charlie say? A picture of Charlie is on my blog and I have created a CITF specific blog, as well. Links are all in my profile.

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