Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Nine

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 169


Mom brought out a beautiful cake and we enjoyed that before we decided to go home. It was almost Marie's bed time. We kissed and hugged everyone, loading up Marie into the backseat. With a wave, we drove back to our home. I maneuvered Marie in her car seat while Bella took care of her presents. Just as I was locking up the back door, the front doorbell rang.

"You answer it," Bella said, taking Marie from my hands. "I'm going to feed her before her bath."

"Kay. Love you," I said, kissing her as she went up the stairs. I ambled to the front door, unlocking it and seeing the morose face of my best friend in front of me. I knew why he was upset, but it didn't make it hurt any less. "What do you want?"

"We need to talk, Edward," he said.

I narrowed my eyes at Emmett. "Now is not the time, Em. Bella's feeding Marie and I do her bath and bed routine. I also have to do some studying before I go to bed. I have a practical in my anatomy class tomorrow."

"Edward, please!" he whimpered. "I know I fucked up."

"You did, but I can't deal with this right now. My feelings are still too hurt for me to have a rational conversation about your callous comment," I growled. "If you want to talk, it'll have to be on my terms."

"Okay, okay. Whatever you need, Edward," Emmett said, his posture deflating. "Call me whenever you're ready." He turned and walked down the steps.

"I usually eat lunch at the student center around one, Em. If you want to meet me there," I said. "Tomorrow?"

"I'm on tomorrow," he said. "Day after?"

"I'll see you then," I replied, waving as I closed the door. I clicked the lock, going upstairs to check on my fiancée and baby. Bella was burping her when I reached our bedroom. I told her that it was Emmett at the door. She admonished me when I sent him away, but understanding when I explained my feelings. She handed me my milk-drunk daughter. I cuddled her as I carried her to the bathroom for her nightly bath. She cooed and played with her toes as I gently washed her pale pink skin. Marie was a perfect blend of me and Bella. Her soft hair was brown with reddish highlights. Her eyes were slowly becoming more green but with golden flecks. Her nose, mouth and eye shape were all Bella and I knew that Marie was going to be petite like her mother since she was so tiny. Yes, she was a preemie, but even now, she was still little now that she was a little under two months old.

I finished with Marie's nighttime routine and put her into her crib. Swiping the baby monitor, I went downstairs to find my Bella outside on the porch with a few citronella candles lit. I moved her from the chaise, just holding her in my lap as we enjoyed the quiet of our backyard. "Thank you for a wonderful birthday," she whispered, turning in my arms. "It was ideal, really."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I smiled, kissing her adorable nose. "What's on tap for tomorrow?"

"Final decision for the flowers and wedding cake tasting," she said.

"I wanted to come for the wedding cake," I pouted. "I love cake."

"So do I, but this was the only day that the bakery had available. Any strong no's for the cake?"

"No peanuts. Emmett's allergic," I answered. "Other than that, have at it."

She nodded, snuggling further into my arms. I idly ran my fingers over the smooth skin of her forearms. She sighed contentedly, her eyelids drooping and eventually fluttering shut. We stayed outside. I watched her as she snoozed in my arms. It wasn't until I heard the low rumble of thunder that I encouraged Bella awake. She was grouchy, but a loud clap of thunder woke her immediately, sending her scurrying inside. After I locked up the house, I saw that Bella put Marie into the pack and play in our room. She gave me a sheepish look, pointing to the now raging storm. I kissed her forehead in understanding.

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