Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Six

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 166


"For your next class, we're going to be examining the wonders of the renal system," crooned my gross anatomy professor. "Learn to love your kidneys! Don't forget that your practical for the digestive system is the next day we have in the lab. See you next week. Have a great weekend."

I packed up my belongings and slung my messenger bag over my shoulder. My lab partner, a guy who was a whiz kid, named Harold, ran up to me. "Hey, Edward. Do you want to get together tonight to review the parts of the digestive system? Dr. Ross is killer for his practical exams," he said, pushing up his thick glasses.

"I can't, Harold. I've got a physical therapy appointment and then I've got plans with my fiancée and daughter," I shrugged. Not to mention, it's Friday. I forgot how stressful it was to be a full-time student. I really am working for the weekend.

"You're not going to do well on the test if you don't study, Edward," Harold chided.

I shot him a look. This twenty-two year old kid is giving me shit about studying? "I hate to burst your bubble but I'm getting the highest grades in the class, Harold. I'm doing just fine," I snickered. "You're right, but I've got other things going on this weekend. Lots of things."

Hopefully, I'll be able to make love to her? Please, Molly. Clear me. Please! She's been cleared and I want to be able to love up on my fiancée. If she's not too tired. Marie was an amazing baby but struggled at night. She was up every couple of hours, wanting to feed or a dirty diaper. Since I had yet to start my clinical rotations, I took nighttime feedings since she was fed with a bottle during the overnight hours. But, Bella was usually up with us, cleaning and fussing since she felt guilty about my sleep getting disturbed. Bella was with her all day while I was in class. She got less sleep than the three of us combined. I found her dozing in front of the sink one day. Standing up.

But this weekend, I was determined to spoil my fiancée. It was her birthday weekend. We, obviously, couldn't get away because of my classes, commitments and our daughter, but I wanted to spend some quality time with my love. Tonight, it was the grand reopening of Clear Waters, though Bella and I aren't going tonight. We had plans to go out tomorrow. Marie was spending time with Grammy Esme, Pop Pop Carlisle and Papa Charlie at my parent's house. She was having a sleepover.

And if all goes well ...

I shook my head, smiling at Harold. "Oh, if you are available, come to this new bar. It's in Wrigleyville. It's called Clear Waters. Bring your friends. We're having our grand opening tonight. You might actually enjoy yourself." I handed him a post card, advertising the grand reopening of the new and improved Clear Waters.

"I enjoy myself," Harold huffed. "But, this place does look cool. Maybe, I'll bring my girlfriend. Are you going?"

Harold has a girlfriend? "Not tonight. Tomorrow. If you are going, shoot me a text. Later, Harold." I waved and ambled toward my new car. Like Bella's, my Mustang was torched from the explosion from Bella's office. I got a Volvo S80, silver with black leather interior. It was a sleek looking car, but was incredibly safe. With the most precious cargo on board with my girls, Bella and my peanut, Marie, I wanted the best and the safest. I eased the car out of the lot, driving to physical therapy. I greeted Molly as I breezed past her to change into my workout clothes. I was nowhere near where I should be, but every day, I was getting stronger. My set back in late July, Bella's fire and the birth of our daughter kept me away from physical therapy. Once Bella and Marie were home, my family and my former boss encouraged me to go back. Reluctantly, I did. I hated being away from my fiancée and daughter, but I had to get better for them.

I went through my hour and half session with Molly. I was finally able to run without feeling like I had an anvil on my chest. With a wicked glint, she gave me a surreptitious thumbs up. Yes! I was cleared to finally make love. My body was no longer aching after each session and I had a lot more endurance. Finally, I could make Bella feel the love I have for her. She was my best friend, mother to my child, lover, confidante ... my everything.

The last stop I made before I went home was to the jewelry store. I had a ring made for Bella for her birthday. It was a ring with all of our birthstones: sapphire, peridot, for Marie, and alexandrite, for me. It was a set of several platinum rings with the gems littered all throughout, stackable and sleek for my girl. I also had to pick up Bella's wedding band, as well. It was a beautiful braided design. It worked well with her engagement ring and also on its own.

When I got home, I snuck Bella's present inside and found my girls in the entertainment room. Marie was on her tummy, babbling happily as Bella was playing a very intense game of peekaboo. My daughter was now smiling genuinely, not a precursor to gas. Her sweet giggles filled the room and my heart burst with love for them both. "How are my girls?" I asked, sitting on the floor. Marie's head turned and she squealed. I lay down, swooping her above me and wriggling her. She giggled, flapping her arms and reaching for me. I brought her down to my chest, nuzzling her soft, downy hair.

"How was physical therapy?" Bella asked, her face flushed and her eyes twinkling.

"Fabulous," I crooned, maneuvering so I was sitting up and holding Marie in the crook of my arm. Marie was playing with my t-shirt, her face in a crooked smile. I kissed her forehead before turning back to Bella. "In more ways than two ..."

"Really?" she asked, a slow grin spreading over her beautiful features. Her smile stops abruptly and she pressed her hands to her stomach. "That's great. What do you want for dinner?" She hopped up and hastily left me in the entertainment room.

What the hell just happened?

A/N: So, we jumped ahead. The previous chapter happened in the beginning of August. Now? We're mid-September, around Bella's birthday. We have a couple things coming up: Clear Water's grand reopening/bachelor and bachelorette parties, wedding, and epilogue. Eight real chapters and the epi. Leave me some! Oh, and pictures of University of Chicago and Harold are on my blog.

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