Chapter One Hundred Two

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter 102


Sleeping at the fire house was not easy. I was hyper aware of every sound. Edward had no issues. He crashed almost as soon as his head hit the pillow and stayed asleep until there was another call around three in the morning. He kissed me, telling me to stay and try sleep some more. I bit back a snort. Highly unlikely. Once he left, I wandered to the common room and turned on some television, watching Home for the Holidays on cable.

I must have dozed off. Edward came back and was caressing my cheek. "Come on, sleeping beauty. We're relieved. I want to get a nap before I go over to Clear Water's. The arson investigator is coming at four." I blinked a few times, looking up at my sleepy boyfriend. His hair was covered by a hat and his green eyes were pained.

"Everything okay?" I asked groggily.

"Rough night," he answered. "All I want is a bed, you and no clothes." He pulled me to my feet and snuggled my cheek. I scratched his back as we walked back to his quarters so I could pick up my keys and my casserole dishes from Thanksgiving dinner. He left his car at the house while I drove us to my brownstone. Edward snoozed during the short drive and was confused when we got back to my place. Dropping off my dishes in the kitchen, Edward dragged me upstairs and he removed all of his clothes. He wanted to feel my skin and just lose each other in our embrace. I eagerly complied, crawling between the sheets with my boyfriend. His hands rubbed my bare back before landing on my ass. I buried my nose in the crook of his neck, smelling the residual smoke on his skin. Within moments, we both were asleep.

The alarm on Edward's phone went off. Dragging our bodies out of the warmth of my bed, we took a quick shower before dressing in warm clothing. "Bella, you don't have to go with me," Edward said, caressing my cheek.

"I want to go. I want to be there for Leah, Seth and Jacob," I answered.

"Okay," he murmured, kissing my lips softly. Tugging on my hat, we got into my car and drove to the remains of Clear Water's. I was shocked at the sheer amount of destruction. It looked like it imploded. The only thing that remained of the bar that our friends owned was a shattered sign. The rest was a pile of ash, rubble and broken glass. Leah and Seth were standing on the corner, speaking with an older gentleman and Garrett.

" addition to the alcohol, there was another accelerant used," we heard from the investigator as we walked up to their conversation.

"What does that mean?" Seth asked, his tanned skin pale.

"It means that this fire was set deliberately, Mr. Clearwater," the investigator explained. "It appears that the victim was the source of the fire."

"Do you know who it was?" Garrett questioned, rubbing Leah's back. She looked downright sick.

"We're waiting on dental records and a knee replacement for positive identification. There wasn't much left of your victim. We do know that the vic was male, approximately six feet tall and obviously had a knee replaced."

"Because it was deliberately set, do you think we'll get any money from our insurance agency?" Leah asked, her voice rough and her eyes glassy.

"I'm not an insurance adjuster, Ms. Clearwater," the investigator frowned. "In my opinion, you should get some payout for the destruction of your bar and restaurant. How much? I can't truly say."

"All of our extra income was put into this place. It was just now making a profit," Seth said, his posture defeated. "We'd been open for over three years after we put in nearly a year of renovations." He twisted his wedding band. "I just can't imagine being able to reopen this place. Money...will be tight without the extra income of the bar."

Leah growled, stomping away and wiping her face angrily. I squeezed Edward's hand before darting off to follow her. Catching up with her was a challenge since she was so much taller than me and nearly sprinting away from her demolished bar. "Leah!" I shouted. She stumbled, falling onto her knees in the middle of the street. I could hear her broken sobs as she lost it. I reached her, guiding her to her feet and onto the curb since there was an approaching car. I scowled at the driver who was honking at us. Leah was hysterical.

"All of it...gone...what are we going to do? I can't...worthless...why?! Daddy...I need my daddy," she babbled, her breathing becoming more erratic. I wrapped my arms around her shaking body, clutching her to me. "The last thing he's not fair!"

"No, it's not, Leah," I said soothingly, rocking her like a child. She clutched her shirt, her sobs shattering my heart.

"You probably think I'm this materialistic bitch," she snorted humorlessly.

"Never, Leah," I replied.

"My father, his one dream was to open up a bar. When he died, we used the life insurance money as startup capital to buy this place and renovate it into Clear Water's," she muttered, her voice hoarse. "Seth and I, we were living my father's dream." Her face crumpled and she cried again. "It's gone. The last thing I had, connecting me to my dad, it's gone!"

I didn't say anything. I just let her cry against my shoulder, her tears soaking through my coat. We stayed on the curb until Seth, Edward and Garrett found us. I felt for Leah, Seth and Jacob. They lost their bar and their means of supporting themselves. What was even worse was that these fires, they seemed almost vindictive. And part of me believed thatI had something to do with it.

First, Gold Coast Realty.

Now, Clear Water's?

What's next? Alice's shop? My office?

I prayed I was wrong, but the knot in the pit of my stomach told me that I wasn't. At. All.

A/N: Do you think all of the fires, so far, are linked? Who do you think was the victim in the fire? Leave me some!

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