Chapter Thirty-Five

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Thirty-Five


I was sitting in Alice's car, holding a large tub of chocolate chip brownies. We were driving over to the firehouse for their birthday barbeque. Edward and I spent nearly an hour making out before he almost crashed while we were kissing on our impromptu date. I sent him home with a travel mug of coffee and the rest of the cookies. He kissed me, dragging his ass to his car. We hadn't seen each other since then, but had spoken on the phone frequently, getting to know each other. Or rather, getting to know the new and improved Bella.

I was a work in progress, that's for sure, but I was getting better. Pam and Dr. Nyma definitely helped me out with that. My depression and anxiety would always be a part of my life, but I needed to learn to cope with them. Dr. Nyma said that the anti-depressants were only temporary. He wanted to stabilize my mood and then wean me off them. I'd continue working with Pam to keep things at the status quo.

"You okay, Bells?" Alice asked.

I snorted at her nickname for me. "Bells?"

"What? I'm just trying it on for size," she giggled. I arched a brow at her. "Are you excited about the barbeque?"

"I'm excited, yes. Nervous, too," I shrugged. "I know that Emmett's not my biggest fan right now."

"He doesn't know your story. He knew you were hurt, but not the extent. Plus, he's dealing with some shit, too. Not that it's an excuse for acting unprofessionally while on a call," Alice argued. "Are you going to talk to him?"

"I'm going to try. Edward did say that he reamed him out after the call to my house," I said. "We'll see." Alice parked the car and we walked to the rear of the firehouse where you could hear the tell-tale signs of a party: laughter, music and the scent of grilled meat. Walking through the garage, we found everyone sitting around various picnic tables in the back. There were a couple of games set up, bean bags, rings and some ladder contraption. Jasper was sitting on a chaise lounge while Emmett and Edward were manning the grill.

"Hey, Ali," came a rough, female voice.

"Leah, what's up?" Alice smiled. "I have food. Something healthy. Heaven knows that these guys wouldn't know a veggie if it hit them in the nose."

"True," she laughed.

"Leah, this is my best friend, Bella. She's also dating Edward, kind of," Alice smirked, bumping me with her hip.

"I remember you," Leah said. "You were at the bar when Frank decided to be a douche. Are you okay?"

"Better now," I shrugged. "Unlike Alice, I brought chocolate chip brownies."

"Edward mentioned that you're a phenomenal baker," Leah beamed, cracking open the lid. "They smell decadent. I'll put this stuff inside. Help yourself to some soda or water. They're in the coolers inside the garage."

I swiped a water bottle while Alice got a diet coke. She skipped over to Jasper, sitting on his lap. I wandered over to the grill where Edward was babysitting the hot dogs and Emmett was grilling up burgers. "Hey," I said, giving Edward a warm smile. He put his tongs down, hugging me close. "Smells good. We could smell it down the street."

"It's because Emmett uses this special seasoning on his burgers. They are to die for," Edward said. Emmett harrumphed next to him, glaring at his burgers. Edward glared at his friend.

"Do you think you could watch the burgers while I talk to Emmett?" I asked, my heart stammering.

"I'm fine," Emmett said coldly.

"No. You're not. Go talk," Edward said, swiping the spatula from his friend. He pushed Emmett away. "I don't want to go to the chief about your sucky behavior, McCarty." Emmett glowered at Edward but he walked away from the grill. We wandered over to a quiet corner, near the coolers.

"What you did to him was a dick move," Emmett said harshly.

"What you're doing now is a dick move," I spat. Emmett shot me a look. "I know you don't know me or what happened to me, but I have my reasons for pulling away."

"A phone call wouldn't have hurt you," Emmett snarled. "A text?"

I scrubbed my face and stared at Emmett. "Prior to a year ago, I was in a highly abusive relationship. I lost my friends, my family...everything. My ex-boyfriend, who I suspect burnt down my garage, beat me up when I was pregnant because I was having a baby girl, not the boy he desired. I lost my child and the possibility of having any children at all because of what he did. My mother alibied my ex when I went to the police and she wants me to stay with him. Edward, Alice and Jasper were the first people I've told since it happened. I do not trust anyone, Emmett, but for some strange reason, I trust them. Edwardprobably the most.

"That night, at Clear Waters, I had a hell of a panic attack, remembering moments of my hellish relationship. I also overheard Alice and Edward discussing me getting help. I adamantly denied it for a year, but I wasn't getting better. Edward made me feel safe, but I refused to use him as a crutch. Yes, the way I cut off all communication was harsh, but it was what I had to do for me in order to start to get my head on straight. If I called him, I'd beg him to come over and keep me safe, but it wasn't solving the fucking problem only masking it.

"Now, you don't have to like me. I don't care if you do. All that I ask is that you treat me respectfully. I never did anything wrong to you. I'm fucked up in the head," I snarled. "I needed to fix me before I could even begin to..." Tears splashed down my cheeks and I wiped the away hastily.

"Bella, stop," Emmett said. He moved closer, but I was pretty raw. I jumped back. I moved so I was closer to Edward and in the yard. "Shit, I'm sorry. I just saw him all broken up...I didn't know."

"I know you didn't," I sniffled, holding myself together. "You can't tell a book by its cover. I had my reasons." Edward came up behind me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I wanted to collapse against him but I held strong. "You can hate me, just don't make this any more difficult than it already is." Looking up at Edward, I blinked a few times. "Is there a bathroom I can use to clean up?"

"Sure," Edward said, guiding me into the firehouse. Once inside, I asked for a few moments. I went to the bathroom, washed my face and took one of my anti-anxiety pills. That was tougher than I anticipated. I just wanted a day where my life was easier, where I wasn't scared or upset or mad.

Will it ever come?

A/N: Up next will be Edward's POV of the BBQ. How will he react to seeing Bella cry and Emmett's reaction? Leave me some!

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