Chapter One Hundred Five

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter 105


I should have known better. My Isabella was too wild to be tamed. She always spouted off her mouth. Her clothes were too revealing. Her hair was too long. Her ass was too big and her tits were too small. It got even worse when she became pregnant with that thing. Granted, she became insatiable and more willing to cater to my needs, but she was having a girl.I wanted a boy.

My temper tantrum ended my obligation and Bella's pregnancy. Thankfully, Renee and my business partner, Phil, alibied me. I knew that I had beat my girlfriend within an inch of her life and murdered the fetus within her. I couldn't bring it to myself to care.

I just wanted her back.

Renee wanted what was rightfully hers. Isabella was sitting on a fortune and if we managed to get her back within our clutches, her money would be equally divided between me and Renee. Though, Renee's behavior had grown more and more erratic with each passing day.

And I was the insane one.

I'm the pyro.

I'm the guy who gets off with fires.

Renee? She was determined to make Isabella pay the ultimate price and her death was what she wanted. I was shocked with her blasé attitude toward her own daughter. Renee just snorted, stating that she never wanted a kid in the first place. It was her way to try and keep Charlie, but Isabella only wrecked her body. The thousands of dollars of plastic surgery fixed her, but she still wanted Isabella to pay with her life.

We planned our next trip to Chicago for just after Christmas. Each of our visits coincided with business trips that I needed to take for my own job. I used my expense account to purchase my tickets and they were in my company's name. I could never be tracked. I couldn't be. I needed to be a ghost in order for this to work.

And this plan would work.

Laurent was our bait this time. He just didn't know it. He needed to pay for his mistake. He was a valued employee, but his mouth got him into trouble more times than we could count. His expertise was perfect for our assignment. He was a trained firefighter and since Isabella was...don't even think about it. She's yours...she knew firefighters, it was a perfect cover. In fact, he was the one who set fire to Isabella's garage. I was supposed to, but my flight was delayed. Laurent, once we had discovered where she lived and her new friends, had moved up into a sublet apartment just outside of Wrigleyville. He set fire to her garage, though he wanted to go for her house. Renee was adamant that the house not be touched. It was a multi-million dollar home on the Gold Coast of Chicago. She wanted it. So, we settled on the garage.

Our next mark was Edward's apartment. The man was putting a wrench into my plans in wrangling Isabella back to Florida. Laurent had made a copy of Edward's apartment key and managed to learn the code to ride up in the elevator from the garage. I was going with him. I wanted to make sure that the job was going to get done. Besides, I needed to administer Laurent's medicine. Hopefully, Edward will be in the condo and he'd become a crispy critter, just like Laurent. We were going just after Christmas. Laurent knew the schedule since his former boss had it planned through the end of January. Edward was off and hopefully staying in his condo.

I really wanted this douche dead.

Unfortunately, I just had this inkling that he wasn't going to be at his condo while he was off. I'd just have to deal with that. Besides, I had a contingency plan for that occurrence. It was even more fabulous than the destruction of his condo. And that plan would force Bella right into my arms.

"Hey, boss," Laurent called, ambling into my office. "Our flight is arranged to Chicago. We're arriving on the day after Christmas. Edward's next shift is on the twenty-eighth. If he shows up at all." He grinned evilly, having as much contempt for Edward Cullen as I did. Laurent thought that Edward was a sanctimonious prick.

"Good. You have everything squared away for our little surprise?" I asked.

"Yep. I just need to pick up a few things in Chicago and then we're ready to go," Laurent smirked. "You ready?"

I nodded, opening up my desk drawer and finding the acid pills that would burn Laurent's body from the inside out. "I'm ready as I'll ever be. By New Year's, Isabella will be mine."

"What if Cullen's not there, boss?" Laurent asked, leaning against the door jamb.

"I've got another plan if it doesn't pan out," I smirked. "But, at least they'll know that we're getting closer. Isabella's immature behaviors are coming to an end and she will come to her senses."

"And Renee?" Laurent questioned, shifting uncomfortably. She had kneed him in the balls for his stupidity. "She wants Bella dead, boss."

"It ain't going to happen," I spat, glaring at him. For my contingency plan, Renee was my bait. "Isabella. Will. Be. Mine." Narrowing my eyes, I jutted my chin to the door. "Get the fuck out." Laurent snorted, stomping out of my office and slamming the door shut.

Now, I just had to wait. And patience was not one of my strong suits.

But good things come to those who wait...

A/N: So, we heard from James and Renee...which one is crazier? Up next we're moving forward in time, closer to Christmas.

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