Chapter Fifty-Five

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Fifty-Five


"Thanks," I said to the cabbie. I paid him his fare and got out of the taxi. I was picking up my brand new, pretty Range Rover Sport. I was anxious to get a new car since I hated using cabs or relying on Alice or Edward. I was also completely out of food. I had stretched the leftovers from the dinner with Edward's parents through lunch on Tuesday. Not wanting to eat out alone, I ordered something at Chipotle and brought it to the fire station to share with my boyfriend. The guys were jealous because it was Emmett's turn to cook and it was raining.

No grilling.

My first stop after signing the paperwork, taking ownership of my new wheels, was to go grocery shopping and pick up food. I hated eating fast food or even restaurant food. We lived on it in Florida. Mom couldn't cook and when I was working forty hour weeks plus going to school, the last thing I wanted to do was cook.

Handing over the check, I walked out and was given the brief tutorial about my new car. Felix also had one of his coworkers set up my hands-free Bluetooth device for the car along with my GPS. Taking my keys, I drove off the lot. I went directly to Mariano's. My grocery bill was almost as expensive as the time I bought all of the food for the fire station.

Okay, that was an exaggeration. Not that expensive, but pretty damn close.

On Wednesday night, I went out with Edward, picking him up in my car. We drove out to the suburbs for dinner at a restaurantin Burr Ridge. I was excited because I got to try out my new wheels on the highway and Edward was able to pick up a shit-ton of wine from the restaurant. He and Irina had apparently joined this restaurant and winery's wine of the month club. He had two cases of wine waiting for him that he had to purchase due to the agreement of the club. He canceled his membership while we were there, but I told him that he would have a lot Christmas presents. No one could drink all of that wine and not become an alcoholic.

Over dessert, I was talking about my job. Edward was shocked at how much I knew about computers, code and all things technical. "I barely know how to turn the damn thing on," Edward snorted. "I only have a Facebook page because Alice helped me set it up. And those other forms of social media? Boggles my mind. But, why do you work out of your house? I'm just curious."

"I've always worked that way once I got started in the field I'm in. I have all of my equipment where I need it and I really love the commute," I quipped. "I've thought about getting a small storefront. There is a place next to Alice's that was a travel agent and perfect for what I want, but trying to lug all of my crap into this office? Too much of a hassle."

"I know that you're good at what you do, but if you move into a space, you could hire a staff," Edward said. "Expand your vision."

"I do have the startup capital," I mused quietly. "I'd have to purchase more computers and software, but that's nothing, really. My worry is the interview process in finding my staff. You see how long it took me to trust you."

"I'm still trying," Edward winked. "But, I'll keep doing whatever you want me to do so that you know that you can trust me."

"Edward, you and Alice are probably the only people I trust implicitly," I said, reaching across the table to take his hand. "Despite my issues, you've been amazing...friendly, kind and patient."

"And I'll keep doing it," Edward murmured, flipping my hand over and kissing my wrist.

"Perhaps I will look at the travel office. I like your idea, Cullen," I snickered. He smiled crookedly, his tongue tracing my veins on my wrist. I shuddered, pulling my hand back and chiding him gently. "Now, I want to stop at Yankee Candle before we go. I'm an addict and I'm dying for a fix."

"What's your favorite scent?" he asked.

"A couple, really. I love Paradise Spice. I use that in my kitchen. But, any sort of clean scent, like Clean Cotton, Fluffy Towels, those I love. I think that's why I like smelling you. Your cologne is a combination of Fluffy Towels and sandalwood," I said, sipping my wine.

"Well, it's Gucci Envy," Edward chuckled. "Alice got it for me Christmas last year. I needed a new scent since I'd worn Tuscany or Acqua di Gio for Irina."

"Both of those are good, too," I pouted.

"I won't wear them. Bad memories," he cringed.

"I hear you. I used to love this strawberry shampoo from Philosophy. I used it all of the time, but I can't use it anymore because the scent made my stomach turn when I was pregnant..." I trailed off, sighing sadly. "James made me use it because he liked it and my needs were not as important as his."

"Bella," he frowned.

"Sorry," I sniffled. "I'm going to the bathroom. Can you get the check?"

"Sure, love," he said. I got up, kissing Edward's cheek and walked unsteadily to the bathroom. Pam said that I'd have moments where I would feel sad or pissed off. This was more. I was almost physically sick. As soon as I got into the bathroom, I ran to the last stall, falling to my knees and throwing up my dinner. I hated James. I hated Renee. I hated this feeling of emptiness that came out of nowhere.

Will I ever feel normal again?

Fucking James...

A/N: Bella is improving but every so often, she'll have setbacks. What started as innocent conversation morphed into something painful for her...What will Edward do? We're flipping to his POV next chapter. Leave me some!

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