Chapter One Hundred Fifty-One

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 151


I was holding the ultrasound printout of our baby, our peanut, our Marie, in my hands. I was happy that I was having another girl, but in the same respect, it was bittersweet. My first baby was also a girl and I felt somewhat guilty feeling such joy for this new baby. But, with peanut being a girl, I could finally honor my Grams. I loved Edward's suggestion for the name of the baby.

"You're awfully quiet over there, Bella," Edward said, smiling over at me. "You okay?"

"I'm perfect," I said, kissing Marie's ultrasound picture and placing it carefully into my bag. "Now that we know the gender, we can start planning the nursery."

"Emmett said he'd do all of the work for it," Edward said, threading our fingers. "I think it's fitting since I'm asking him to be the godfather of our baby."

"Emmett is an awesome choice," I said, giggling quietly. "Our daughter would be spoiled by him and he could slay any dragons, imaginary or real, for her."

"What about for the godmother?" Edward asked.

I pursed my lips. There was only one logical choice and I know she'd love it. "Alice, of course."

"Marie is going to be the best dressed child ever," Edward laughed. "What about a middle name? Marie is a beautiful first name, but she needs to have an equally as beautiful middle name."

"We could go with Alice," I shrugged.

"Alice's name is Mary Alice and it would be too similar," Edward said, wrinkling his nose.

"What's about Esme?" I suggested. "Marie Esme Cullen."

"My mom hates her name," Edward chuckled. "Her middle name isn't all that better with Gertrude."

"Ugh, that is bad," I shuddered. "Oh! I've got it! What about Emmett's sister's name? Shit! What is it?"

"Felicity," Edward said reverently. "Bella, Emmett would be touched."

"How about that, peanut?" I asked, clutching my belly. "Marie Felicity Cullen." I felt some pressure against my hand and I gasped. My baby had kicked. I never felt that with my previous pregnancy.

"What is it?" Edward asked.

"She kicked," I breathed, taking his hand and pressing it to where I felt the pressure. I felt it again, but Edward frowned. "You probably can't feel her yet. She is still pretty tiny."

"I can't wait to feel her kick. It's all so real when I hear our little Marie's heartbeat," Edward murmured, turning onto our street. "Are you okay with our baby being a girl?"

"I am. I will love Hope for as long as I'm alive. She was my first baby girl and I will let Marie know about her big sister. Do I feel guilty about being happy? A little, but all that I want is Marie to be happy, healthy and loved," I answered. "I will spend the rest of my days doing just that."

"And she will get all of that in spades, with a side order of being spoiled by my parents and all of the people in our lives," Edward chuckled. "Do you want to tell our family about Marie?"

"Not yet. We're supposed to have dinner with all of them next weekend, Memorial Day. Even my dad is flying out. Alice wants to go wedding dress shopping with your mom but I don't know what good that will do since I'm so big," I said, looking down at my belly. "Whatever I get is going to be sized to my pregnant body, not my post-baby body."

"Bella, you could walk down the aisle in a paper bag and I'd think you're beautiful," Edward said, kissing my knuckles.

I pouted slightly. "But, I don't want to walk down the aisle in a paper bag. I never, ever expected to get married, especially after the ordeal with James. Like every little girl, I had planned my wedding since I was old enough to know about weddings. The one thing I wanted a beautiful, once-in-a-lifetime dress. Something to make me feel like a princess. I can't get the dress I want if I'm six months pregnant."

"I have no doubt that you will find a beautiful dress, Bella. I think that Alice and Esme just want to spend time with you. I know that they will have other items on their agenda, too," he smirked, parking our SUV in the garage. "However, they understand if you're not feeling well that you have to come home. We may have gotten some good news and you received some more freedoms, but you are still need to take it easy."

"You're right. As long as I get marry you, that's all that matters," I said, smiling brightly. "Now, I want to check out themes for the nursery. I refuse to have our daughter be in a pink palace, looking like Pepto Bismol threw up all over the walls."

"I whole-heartedly agree," Edward laughed, helping me out the car and into our home. "No pink princess room." He wrapped me in an embrace, kissing me sweetly. "I love you, my baby momma."

"I love you more, my baby daddy. You are such a dork," I giggled.

"Your dork," he said, tugging me into the entertainment room so we could look up baby nurseries.

A/N: I hope that everyone is okay with the baby gender choice. With all that happened with my mom, I wanted to honor her some way and this is one way for it to happen. Now, what do you think will happen with James? He's still out there. Leave your guesses in a review.

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