Chapter Ninety-Four

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Ninety-Four


Dinner went by slowly. It wasn't nearly as amiable since Laurent still had his staring problem and Edward was about ready to bust a gut in anger. Garrett tried to keep things going with random conversation, but my man was not in a talking mood. He wanted to kick Laurent's ass for his creepy ass smile, undressing me with his eyes. More often than once, I had to drag Edward away from the table to prevent an all-out brawl.

Apparently, in addition to smiling and staring, Laurent was now into making snide remarks, too.

From what I could gather, my guess was that Laurent would not be on Squad for very much longer. His Lieutenant wanted to kick his ass and Garrett, who normally was as cool as a cucumber, was showing his anger with each passing comment from Laurent about the house, the leadership in the house and why women were a part of the team. Leah had to be physically restrained in her seat for that comment. She was stronger than most of the guys and worked her ass off every day. Laurent wouldn't let it go. Leah stomped away in a huff, with Seth on her heels to calm her down.

During dessert, the emcee came back up to the podium and began his speeches about the upcoming awards. Laurent's comments stopped while we listened to the awards presentation. From what was described, these awards were presented to the brass of the fire department, like nominees. Looking over the nomination, they would choose winners in each category, with the most lucrative award as the Casey Severide Award for Valor and Heroism.

From what Edward told me, Casey Severide was a firefighter who, despite being gravely injured himself, managed to free fifteen people out of a burning apartment fire, carrying them to safety. Once the last person was freed, Casey fell to his knees. He couldn't see, most of his exposed skin was covered in full thickness burns and he was coughing up from the smoke he had inhaled. Barely rasping, he asked if everyone was safe and his chief confirmed that everyone was okay. Casey nodded and he drew his last breath, dying in the arms of his chief. He left behind a wife and two children, both of whom are also firefighters and the people who handed out the award.

Edward's squad was recognized for their stellar work on the train derailment in the loop. That was why Laurent had received an invitation. They still thought that Mike was working with Firehouse Eighteen. It was awkward when Garrett, Edward, Emmett and Jacob went up to claim their award. Laurent just sat at the table, silently stewing. I knew that Garrett had invited him to the stage, but Laurent refused to budge from his seat. Instead, he still, rather, glared at me as my man accepted his award with the house.

An hour later, the Casey Severide Award for Valor and Heroism was announced. Garrett poked Edward's shoulder as the screen went down above the stage. Edward's brows furrowed as he threaded his fingers with mine. A brief video clip began, starting with the story of Casey Severide and his heroic end.

Edward's smiling face splashed across the screen and his history with the department began in earnest. I tore my eyes from the presentation, looking at my boyfriend. His face was mixture of awe and complete shock. He didn't see this coming at all. His coworkers shared stories of Edward's bravery and heroism. Jacob's story was the most touching, describing how he found a baby in the train derailment, allowing the mother, who was dying, a chance to say goodbye to her daughter. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. I knew that tears were spilling down my cheeks unabated. Little did I know that Edward had gone to the hospital while he was recuperating from his injury to check on the baby. A few of the nurses provided pictures of him holding the sweet baby girl, nuzzling her cheek and holding her close to his chest.

Casey's daughter, Maureen, walked to the podium as the video ended and she held up the marble statuette. She was crying and unsuccessfully trying to keep it together. Her brother, Matthew, was standing next to her, rubbing her back. He gently guided her away from the podium while she collected herself. "This year's recipient of the Casey Severide Award for Valor and Heroism reminds us both so much of our father. We may have been only ten and six at the time, but our dad's legacy was instilled in us at birth. Edward Cullen is the embodiment of what it means to be a firefighter, a first responder and a hero. He puts the needs of his squad and the people he's rescuing before his own. From what Chief Peterson described, Edward is the first one into a situation and usually the last one out. Edward is an amazing firefighter, a compelling leader and a man with a heart of gold. The 2014 recipient of the Casey Severide Award for Valor and Heroism, Lieutenant Edward Cullen!" Matthew exclaimed.

Edward sat in his seat, rooted in place. He blinked, shocked at the kind words he'd just heard on the video and Matthew's description just before receiving his award. Emmett got up, helping Edward to his feet and walked him up to the podium. Emmett broke the silence, making a joke. "All of that smoke inhalation has done crazy things to his brain." The audience laughed. Emmett pushed Edward close to the podium and walked back to the table.

Maureen hugged him and Matthew handed Edward the statuette, shaking his hand. Still in a daze, Edward stepped toward the microphone. "I don't even know what to say," he murmured. "Perhaps it is all of the smoke causing my brain to freeze up." He cracked a nervous, crooked grin. "Or melt..." He wrapped his fingers around the statuette. "I'm not a public speaker, but I do want to take a few moments to thank the people who mean the most to me. Thank you to my crew at Firehouse Eighteen. You are the best a guy could work with. I know that every day, you all have my back. Chief Garrett Peterson, thank you for being my sounding board, my rock and my friend. Emmett...we'll talk later, but thank you."

"Love you, Eddie!" Emmett crowed from his seat.

Edward shot him a withering glare before turning his award. "My family, I appreciate their support in my decision in being a firefighter. I know my mom was not thrilled, but she's proud of my career and all of the good that I'm doing." He licked his lips, looking up at me. His green eyes twinkling in the spotlight. "And to my Bella. She's the love of my life and while our relationship is still new, I know that with her, I'm capable of doing anything. I love you, sweet girl." With a sweet grin, Edward left the stage and strode back to our table. Placing the award on the tabletop, he crushed his lips to mine, claiming me quite publicly. I loved it and I was so proud of him.

Breaking apart, Edward's eyes were nearly black with desire. "Do you want to get out of here?" he growled.

A/N: Sooooo? Sorry about the cliffie, but yeah...I'm just evil like that. Leave me some!

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