Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Nine

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 129


When we got back to the house, it was the end of our shift. I finished my paperwork, describing the fire at Peter's townhouse. Then, I changed into my street clothes and drove to the hospital. Angela informed me where Peter was admitted for observation. Parking my Mustang in the garage at Northwestern Memorial, I went into Peter's hospital room. He was talking to Detective Halsted and another male detective.

"Edward," he said, his voice raspy.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Sore and pissed off," he answered. "I was just beginning to tell Detective Halsted and Detective Atwater."

"Do you mind if I sit in?" I questioned, sitting down in the hard plastic chair.

"I was going to insist on it considering it's related to your case, Edward," Halsted replied. "Go ahead, Peter."

"At the end of the day, I locked up the office and drove to a nearby restaurant to pick up some dinner. I ordered it to go. When I pulled out of the parking lot of the restaurant, that's when I noticed the car behind me," he frowned.

"What did it look like?" Atwater asked, shuffling through the tiny notepad in his hand.

"It was a nondescript sedan. Light-colored and it had a broken headlight. I remember that it was following me too closely. I thought he had actually hit my back bumper. I tried to shake him, driving erratically, but he followed me until I got home. I let out a breath when the car drove past my townhouse. I went inside, locking the door. I was going to work on some pictures from Northwestern when I heard my front window shatter. I ran downstairs and I saw James standing in my living room. He was holding a water bottle and a large red pill."

"That must be the acid pill that he uses to cause the bodies to catch on fire," Halsted muttered, looking up at me. "Have you heard of it?"

"No. I couldn't imagine anyone creating such a horrible pill," I replied, shaking my head. "How did you manage to get away?"

"I fought like hell," Peter answered. "James and I scrambled all throughout my townhouse. When we got to my darkroom, he started pummeling me with his fists. Thankfully, the pill was lost in the scuffle. Unfortunately, I lost consciousness because James bashed me over my head with my antique Nikon camera. I came to when I smelled the smoke. I was disoriented and that's when I got this." He gestured to the burn on his right side, starting below his ear and traveled down his neck, underneath his hospital gown and down his right arm. "I moved too slowly and I couldn't clear the fog in my head from James' blows. Somehow, I managed to get outside and called 911. I faded in and out of consciousness until you came, Edward."

"Did he say anything?" Atwater asked.

"He just made one statement. 'She will be mine.' He kept repeating that phrase with each punch. He isobsessed with Bella and will not let her go," Peter whispered, looking at me sadly.

"I know that," I hissed, leaning forward and thrusting my hands into my hair. "What can we do?"

"When he's caught, James will definitely be screwed with all of the evidence against him," Halsted snorted. "He's diabolical but sloppy. Very, very sloppy."

"What evidence?" Peter asked.

"The townhouse was not completely destroyed. The living room was littered with his fingerprints and blood. You got him really good, Peter," Halsted chuckled. "We also have James at your condo, Edward."

"I didn't want to die," Peter shrugged. "I kind of like my life and I have a kick ass boss." He grimaced, shifting uncomfortably in the bed. "What is going to happen next?"

"We are keeping our eyes peeled for James and Renee," Halsted answered. "There is an APB out for them. Is this what James looks like?" He handed Peter a tablet. I could see James' driver's license photo. His eyes were dark, empty and filled with hatred. He wore an evil smirk, giving him a sadistic look.

"His hair is shorter and much, much darker," Peter replied. "He also had scars along his neck and his left ear was severely burned."

"Was that a new injury?" Atwater questioned.

"Yes. Like within a few months," Peter grimaced. "It was particularly gruesome." He looked down at his burnt arm. "And now, we're twins." He sighed, shifting again and groaning quietly. "I'm exhausted. I got minimal sleep and I was given some pain medication just prior to you coming here."

"We'll go and we'll be in touch. Do you have someplace to stay?" Halsted asked.

"He'll be staying with us when he's released," I smiled, rubbing Peter's good shoulder. Peter gave me a weak grin, his eyelids drooping. Picking up their jackets, Halsted and Atwater left. Peter let out a shuddering sigh. "Get some sleep, Peter. I'll be here when you wake up."

"Thank you," he said groggily. "And call you girl. I bet she's anxious to hear from you." He was snoring before he was done with his sentence. I slipped out my phone, nervous about contacting Bella. I knew that she'd be upset to know that James and struck again, hurting one of our closest friends. I dialed her, slipping out into corridor to make my phone call.

Her phone went directly to voicemail.

Hello, you've reached Bella Swan and I'm unavailable right now ...

And like that, my anxiety spiked to dangerous levels. Where was she?

A/N: Sorry... cliffie. Leave me some.

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