Chapter Sixteen

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Sixteen


I left Bella's brownstone, wanting to immediately go back in. Her brown eyes held so much sadness. I never noticed it before in our brief meetings. At the store, she was all snarky and fun. Then, at the firehouse, she was panicked. Now? I saw sadness and pain in her eyes. She was still gorgeous and light as feather, but something was dimming her light. It seemed more pronounced today. When I helped her, she was almost afraid of me, like I was going to hurt her. I would never raise my hand to a woman, though I wanted to with Voldemort. Instead, I calmly packed up her shit, left it on the sidewalk and changed the locks, informing the building manager that my roommate was evicted.

She was shocked, to say the least.

Shaking my head, I dressed in my uniform and sent a text to my sister. I asked her to give Bella a call later, saying that she took a tumble during a run. Alice said that she'd do one better and do a random stopover. Hopping into my car, I was assaulted withthe sweet scent of Bella's perfume. It was subtle. I liked it. It was a combination of vanilla, sandalwood and cherry blossoms. It was sweet but still sophisticated.

Arriving at the firehouse, I parked outside and went in to relieve my counterpart on the other shift. He told me what had happened and then left to be with his family. I checked in with Garrett, who was talking dirty to his wife in his office. Rather than listen to him describe in graphic detail what he wanted to do with her, I just gave him a salute, going to the rig. I checked the gauges, equipment and tire pressure before going back inside. It was my turn to cook. I loved cooking for my family or for a date, for nine surly men and two cranky women, it wasn't as pleasant. You had to appease all of their wants and needs. Checking the calendar on the fridge, I saw that it was chicken salad for lunch and barbeque ribs for dinner. I got started on the meals, starting with the barbeque ribs and marinating them in the sauce. I was working on the chicken salad when my sister walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, big brother," she chirped. She was still hobbling from her run in with my wall. "I just came from Bella's. I helped her up to her bedroom to shower and then set her up in the bed with her laptop. She was walking better, but still limping slightly. When Icame over, she was on the phone and was not happy with the caller."

"Do you know who it was?" I asked, chopping up the leftovers from rotisserie chicken for the chicken salad.

"No, but Bella hung up when she answered the door. She looked pissed," Alice said, stepping behind the counter and sitting next to me. "I was thinking of inviting her for dinner this Friday. Introduce her to Jasper, have you and Em come over along with Rosalie?"

"Are you trying to set me up with Bella?" I asked my sister.

"Maybe," Alice said, swiping a piece of chicken and popping it in her mouth. "She's cute, funny, sexy and you're her knight in shining armor."

"Under Armour," I snorted. "Alice, Bella just seems sad. Maybe she's not looking for a relationship. I think she's been hurt and hurt badly by a man. When I went to help her on the running path, she flinched when I checked her leg. Did she mention itwhen you went out?"

"No, but when I went over after my booze fest, she looked like she had seen a ghost. I asked if she wanted to talk, but she didn't," Alice frowned. "There's something about her that I really like. She's feisty and snarky when her wall comes down. But, it doesn't stay down for long."

"Alice, don't force anything on Bella. If I had to guess, she's probably not ready for anything. You know how I was after Irina," I deadpanned, tossing the chicken into the bowl.

"If anything, just be her friend, Edward," Alice said, squeezing my bicep.

"I can do that. I want to see her smile," I replied wistfully. Alice leaned her head on my shoulder. I could feel her smiling against my arm. She was probably brainstorming how to get me together with Bella, but for now, I'll be her friend.

Can she?

A/N: So...? What do you think? Leave me some!

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