Chapter One Hundred Thirty-One

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 131


I hung up on Edward. I threw my phone on the bed, running to the bathroom and lost my entire meal in the toilet. I sobbed brokenly, clawing at my hair as more of my friends were hurt because of their association with me. I curled up in the fetal position, letting the tears fall down my face.

I should just go away.

I shouldn't have let Edward in.

Then, I wouldn't be at risk of losing everything I've ever loved.

When I looked at my phone after my day of marathon meetings, I knew something was wrong. I had nearly thirty voicemails from Edward and a slew of text messages. I wanted to call him back immediately, but the CEO wanted to celebrate our newly founded partnership. If I had called him back, I would have been a snot-sobbing mess, unable to complete my job. I ignored them. Though, I was an anxious, jittery mess all throughout dinner. I barely touched my dinner. I kept an impassive mask, playing the part.

After I got back to the hotel, I showered and worked up the strength to call Edward. The relief in his voice was palpable, but I heard the quiver in his voice. I knew it was bad. I was grateful that Peter wasn't killed, but incredibly upset that he had been hurt and that he lost everything.

I don't know how long I sat on the ground of the bathroom. My body was sore and my stomach was very, very upset. The sound of the hotel room phone caused me to get up. It was my scheduled wakeup call. I had a few meetings before I was flying back to Chicago. I took a quick shower, dressing in a black pant suit. I was a zombie and not really into finishing up this deal. I wanted to get home.

Is it really home? Should I just fly away and never return. I'm a fucking cancer.

I packed my bags. Dragging my luggage down to the lobby, I ate a simple breakfast of a bagel and some fruit, not really tasting it. My cell phone rang and it was the car that the CEO sent to me to drive me to the corporate headquarters. As the car drove down the highway, I fiddled with my cell phone. A few stray tears fell down my cheeks and I prepared myself for the long day ahead of me.

"Bella, I want to say that the subtle changes you've made to the website have increased website traffic exponentially. I can't wait to see what you have in store for the rest of the website and graphic design," the CEO, Ray, said. "When can you start making the changes in earnest?"

"Once I get back home, I will begin working on it. The upgraded website should be up in the next couple of weeks," I answered. "I'm very excited to work on this project, Ray. Do you have the list of items I need?"

"All of it's on this flash drive. The pictures, the graphics and desired fonts. I trust you to do the right thing, Bella," Ray replied, giving me a warm grin and the flash drive. "I do want you to take a tour of our facilities and see if I can lure you to become a more permanent fixture here in Orlando."

"As tempting as that is, I don't think so. Florida holds some very negative memories and being back here is tough for me," I murmured, grimacing slightly.

"I'm sorry, Bella. I didn't know," Ray frowned.

"Nor did I expect you to," I replied. "Though, I would love to see more of your facilities." Ray nodded, leading through a very in-depth tour of building. It was cool to see the creativity of the artists and engineers of the Universal Studios. I would have been a more active participant if I was actually awake and not dying inside, hating myself for what I had planned when I left Orlando. A couple of hours later, I shared an early lunch with Ray. He shook my hand and helping me into car to drive me to my flight. I checked in, making sure that my flight was on time. I settled into the seat in the first class lounge and waited to board the plane. I didn't have to wait long. I settled into my first-class seat. I was asleep even before we took off and I slept for the entire flight, jarring awake when the plane landed. I shook out the cobwebs, stowing my belongings in my carry-on. When the plane pulled up to the jet way, I stumbled through the airport and to the baggage claim.

Once I had my bags, I walked to a rental car counter. With some finagling, I rented a car and set the GPS for my destination. I clenched my hands on the steering wheel, feeling tears sting my eyes. Each passing mile, I grew more and more tense. By the time I pulled up to my destination, my neck is stiff and my back is in agony. Stumbling slightly, I knocked on the door. It opened and I fell into the arms of my father. "Daddy ..." I sobbed. "I can't ... Help me!"

A/N: So did we expect that? Leave me some! Please?

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