Chapter One Hundred Sixty-Seven

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 167


Bella was pleasant enough the rest of the night, but distant. She talked to me, listened with interest when I told her about my classes and how I rocked my Health Care Disparities exam. However, when I went to touch her, she brushed me off. I was confused. We were both cleared to be able to touch each other, more than just fleeting kisses and innocent caresses. I missed being affectionate with my fiancée. Did I do something wrong?

I asked if she was okay, but she smiled, nodding that she was fine. My Bella was not fine. I gave Marie a bath, laughing and playing with my adorable little angel. I faintly heard Bella on the phone. She was in tears, but I couldn't hear her conversation, nor could I tell who she was talking to. I finished washing Marie and dressed her in a butterfly onesie. Carefully, I carried her to the nursery. Settling into the rocking chair, I slowly moved and studied. I read my human anatomy text book to my daughter in a sing-song voice. It worked for me, helping me remember the intricate systems of the human body and I was able to bond with my precious gift.

I finished my studying, placing Marie into her crib. She whimpered a little bit, but fell back asleep. I carried my book, baby monitor and walked to my bedroom. Bella was curled up in a ball, her face red and puffy. She's sleeping restlessly, but in obvious distress. I changed into some pajamas, crawling into bed and curling around her. She tensed up when I first touched her but she let out a shuddering sigh, eventually snuggling in my arms.

The next morning, I woke up with a note next to my pillow. Alice and Esme kidnapped me along with Marie. Something about a birthday makeover. We'll be out all day. We're supposed to meet at Clear Waters at eight. Your parents and my dad are watching Marie. Love you, B.

I wrinkled my nose. I wanted to spoil my fiancée, damn it! I wanted to treat her to breakfast in bed. Meddling little elf. I got up and decided to do some laundry, review some research for my major project. I was working on Community Health and I was reading a few abstracts, trying to narrow my study. As I was going to make some lunch, Emmett and Garrett came into the brownstone. "Do you guys ever believe in knocking? I could have been naked," I quipped.

"You weren't," Garrett smirked. "We're here to kidnap you."

"What? No. I have shit I need to get done and don't forget it's Bella's birthday this weekend," I growled.

"We know. But, tonight, it's your bachelor party!" Emmett boomed, pumping his fist. "Well, it's a combo. You and Bella are VIPs at Clear Water's tonight for your bachelor/bachelorette party. Alice and your mom are taking care of Bella while we're handling you. Do you want to know what's on tap?"

No. I don't want a bachelor party. "Sure," I shrugged.

"Try to contain your enthusiasm, Edward," Garrett teased.

"I'm appreciative for the effort, but I'm just not in the mood to have a party. The past few months have been incredibly hectic. And last night, Bella was distant after I told her that Molly gave me the approval to make love," I grumbled, thrusting my hands into my hair. "This morning, she took Marie and left me a note. Something's up."

"Think about it, Edward. The woman has been through hell and back," Garrett frowned. "On top of everything that happened with her ex-boyfriend, she lost her business, had a premature baby and a hysterectomy to boot. Her emotions are probably all over the place. On top of all that, you have your wedding, going back to school and raising your child. She's probably not feeling very sexy at the moment."

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