Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Two

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 122


"Then your guess that he is linked to the fires is correct. We saw him and Laurent ride up the elevator the night in question. James gave Laurent a pill just as he exited the elevator on your floor. An hour later, according to the security footage, James left using the stairwell. We're trying to see how he got to Chicago, but he could have flown in on forged identification," Voight said. "We figured out the who, but the why is alluding us and the how is a mystery, too."

"James must be really fucking stupid," Edward spat. "He didn't even try to conceal his face riding up the elevator?"

"No. He even smirked directly at it when he got off the elevator on your floor," Halsted said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"He's not stupid. He's trying to get me. Break me," I muttered, curling up on the chair. "He wants me to know that he's going to keep attacking my friends and family until I go back to him. Though his logic is deeply flawed. Why would I go back to a sadistic, horrible monster after all he's done? After everyone he's killed!"

"He's trying to scare you back into his clutches, Ms. Swan," Voight said, reaching over and patting my knee. I jumped away, going to get some more coffee. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"It's not you, Sergeant," I said, waving my hand. "It's all me. James is ... he's ... Edward, can you tell them?" Tears were falling down my cheeks. Edward got up, kissing my temple. He whispered for me to go into the living room to collect myself while he told my story. Twenty minutes later, Edward came and got me. I sat down on his lap, allowing his strength and love soothe me.

"Ms. Swan, I'm so sorry that happened to you," Sergeant Voight said sadly, his brows furrowed. "James Dasher should be behind bars, rotting in a prison somewhere. We will do everything we can to ensure that for you."

"And my mother? She's not innocent either," I snorted humorlessly. "For all we know, she's the person in charge of Dwyer Consolidated, making all of those decisions in the illegal matters. Do you know when Laurent got his papers? The IDs?"

"Just shortly after you left Jacksonville," Edward answered. "Just as you were signing the paperwork, taking ownership of your grandmother's brownstone, Laurent Mitchell died and the Laurent that I knew was born. On paper, at least." He kissed my temple, turning back to the pair in front of us. "What can we do to prevent this from escalating any further? My parents suggested protection, but what do you think?"

"We'll have a squad car stationed on your street. Edward gave us your address," Halsted said. "In addition, we're going to put out an APB out on Renee Dwyer, James Dasher and Phil Dwyer, along with any known and unknown aliases. My guess, though, is that James may just stay put. We have yet to find his name on any flight manifests, but as mentioned before, he could be using a different identity."

"We do have a current picture of him from the security footage in your building, Edward. That doesn't mean that he won't change his look. Be on the lookout for anyone suspicious. If you feel wary, call either one of us. This is a direct line to the Intelligence Unit and our personal cell phones," Voight explained, handing us a card. "We also included the rest of our team as well."

"Thank you," I said, taking the card and gripping it tightly.

"We're going to do some more digging around with James, Renee and Phil. We can't do much since Dwyer Consolidated is located in Jacksonville, but we can at least get some more information about the business and the people running it." Voight and Halsted stood up, finishing their coffee. "We'll be in touch and stay safe," Voight said gruffly. I stood up and shook his hand, while Edward shook Halsted's. Leading them out of the house, I collapsed onto the couch in the living room. The sun had set and the Christmas tree was twinkling in the front window.

"When will this end?" I whimpered.

"When I take James and wring his neck," Edward growled, sitting next to me and pulling me across his lap. "I don't think any jury would convict me. It would be one less monster in the world." He cradled me in his arms, his fingers massaging my tense back. "Do you want to stay here tonight?"

"Yeah. Just one more night here with your parents would be nice. I was a hot mess yesterday," I said, snorting derisively. "I would like to cook them dinner as a thank you."

"They'd like that," Edward said, kissing my forehead. "I'll help you." I got up and we worked on cooking Carlisle and Esme delicious home-cooked meal of chicken Marsala with rice, asparagus and a salad. They both were incredibly grateful and we enjoyed the dinner, talking about the conversation we had with Halsted and Voight. Carlisle said that the errands they ran were to interview security companies. He handed me a brochure of the company he thought would be the best fit for our needs. With all that was going on, I said I'd call to make arrangements in the morning.

After dinner, we watched a movie and then we went to our respective rooms. Esme gave me such a tight hug, giving me the mother's love I needed since my own mother was so embroiled in this horrific situation with James. Inside of Edward's childhood bedroom, we fell into bed. I needed to feel him and he gladly complied, stripping us both down to our bare skin. We made love, but it was more healing than anything. I needed to remember what it felt like to be cherished. My nightmares were of James taking what he wanted without any care for my needs. Edward's touch was soft, reverent and so loving. I cried when he filled me, the love emanating from him filling the room.

Calming down from our love making, Edward was holding me flush to his body. His fingers were tracing my spine. "So, are you sure you want me as a roomie? Snoring habits and all?"

"I don't want to let you go," I murmured, tightening my hold on him. "I feel so clingy ..."

"You have every right to be. I'm feeling the same way, sweet girl," Edward soothed, cupping my chin. He pressed a soft kiss to my lips. "No matter what, though, I'm not going anywhere. I love you. I want to marry you. I want a future with you, Bella. Nothing will ever change that."

"I love you, Edward, more than words can express," I said, brushing his hair back. "You are everything to me. I'm sorry for ..."

"Don't ever apologize. This is not your fault, sweet girl," Edward growled. "And I would walk through hell and back just to see you smile." He kissed me deeply, pressing me against the mattress. I moaned quietly, tangling my fingers into his hair. We lost ourselves again, his kisses, thrusts and sweet whispers of love healing me in ways I never imagined. I prayed that it would all turn out alright.

It had to.

I couldn't lose him.

A/N: Up next ... a jump in time and some good news! Leave me some!

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