Chapter Eighty-One

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Eighty-One


"Bella, you have to stop obsessing over what you're packing. You and I both know that my brother and you are going to spend a majority of the weekend, naked, humping each other like horny jack rabbits," Alice quipped as she idly drew on her sketch pad, seated in my bedroom.

"Naked fun time is awesome," Leah snickered, lounging on my pillows. I'd gone over to the firehouse, hoping to catch Edward, but he was out on a call. Leah, who was injured on a call during her last shift, was in the kitchen and we'd gotten to talking. We bonded over a cup of coffee, commiserating over abusive and deceitful exes. Her ex-girlfriend had robbed her blind, trying to pay off her 'swindler' father's attorney. Leah and I both had people who we thought we loved and loved us in return, betray us and hurt us irrevocably. "I miss sex."

"Me, too," I blushed, folding the soft grey camisole set that Edward had given me for my birthday. "It's been so long since I've had sex but what I remember of it is not good. I had lovers before James, but even then, it wasn't about me. It was about them and their orgasm."

"You've had some selfish exes, Bella," Alice admonished, giving me a fake pout. "My brother will not leave you unsatisfied."

"I find that you know that fact a little disturbing, Alice," Leah deadpanned. "Incest much?"

"Ewwww!! Gross!" Alice laughed, tossing a crumpled paper at Leah. She just cackled, batting the paper away. "What I'm trying to say is that Edward is very unselfish. He always puts the needs of others in front of his own needs. I'm assuming it's the same in bed." Alice shot Leah a dirty look. "I'm going to be scarred for life, Leah. Thanks."

"Well, the only person who can really give accurate information about Edward's prowess in bed is the woman packing for a romantic weekend away with her swoon-worthy boyfriend," Leah said, winking at me.

"Leah, you're a lesbian," I snorted.

"I may be a lesbian, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate a pretty face. And Edward is very, very pretty. I'd kill for his eyelashes and natural highlights," Leah retorted. "Can we find a female version of him? I want one!"

"Leah, you're gorgeous," I said, arching a brow. Leah was tall, slender but muscular, with thick dark brown hair, warm tanned skin and ice blue eyes. She was part Native American, but had something else as well, giving her these exotic features.

She waved her hand, rolling her eyes and dismissing my compliment. "I'm alright," she shrugged. "I'm just picky and hesitant to jump back into a relationship."

"I understand that," I replied, smirking at her.

"Now, enough about me. Let's talk about this romantic fuck fest," Leah giggled, waggling her brows. "I may be a lesbian, but that doesn't mean I can't dish about men's cocks with the best of 'em. Personally, they're the ugliest things on the planet, but I understand the importance of length, girth and how he uses it."

"Leah, have you ever been with a guy?" Alice asked.

"In the traditional sense?" She pursed her lips. "No. I am a 'virgin.' I did have my cherry popped by my first girlfriend, Elyse, when I was eighteen. She used a cock-shaped vibrator to do the deed. It wasn't unpleasant, but it wasn't great either. Elyse was so into the moment that she forgot that I was inexperienced and rammed it inside of me. We broke up not long after that. I didn't feel comfortable with her down there after that. In fact, I tried dating men after my thing with Elyse, but seeing a real penis freaked me out and met FeiFei, my first serious girlfriend when I walked into a gay bar, demanding the biggest shot of the strongest liquor they had. She was the bartender."

"What happened with FeiFei?" I questioned.

"She had to move home to China to take care of her dying grandmother. She couldn't exactly come out to her family. They are very traditional. The mere thought of having a gay child is abhorrent. I tried to contact her after her grandmother died, but she never responded. FeiFei's been there in China ever since," Leah shrugged. "But, enough about me. This is about Bella and her getting her groove on. When are you leaving for Michigan?"

"Tomorrow. Early afternoon. Once he gets off his shift," I answered. "He said it's a five hour drive, roughly. But, getting out of the city is where it gets kind of hairy."

"Yeah. Traveling through northern Indiana is a bitch. People don't know how to drive on the highway," Leah grumbled. "If it's possible, take the Indiana toll road, the Sky Way. It may save you some time. Get you up to Michigan in order to get your swerve on."

I blushed again, trying to calm my sputtering heart. I was ready for everything with Edward. In the two weeks since my birthday, we'd explored our bodies, using fingers mainly. However, I was still afraid of him seeing me naked. I was comfortable with no shirt on, but my panties usually stayed in place. I don't know why. Maybe because I was ashamed of my C-section scar along my bikini line. He was patient and loving, but I wanted to give him all of me. I was terrified of him seeing my body and running for the hills. I had been more 'horny' when I had some alcohol in my system and if it hadn't been for my father's interruption, I probably would have made love to Edward the night we went to Gejas. Plus, I was also afraid that once we did have sex, it would change the dynamic between us.

"Bella," Alice murmured, rubbing my arm. "You okay? You spaced out."

"Just having an anxious moment," I stuttered. "My mind is focusing on what could happen..."

"The only thing that is going to happen is that Edward is going to shower you with love, affection and adoration. You are going to have this amazing time and by the time you return, you will be floating, basking in the afterglow," Alice said, hugging me lightly.

"Of multiple, toe-curling, smexy orgasms from the sweetest, sexiest man on the planet," Leah quipped. "Now, if only I could find a female version of your boyfriend, all would be great in the world."

"I'll keep my eyes open, Leah," I chuckled.

A/N: Up next will be the drive up to Michigan and some time at the vineyard...

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