Chapter Seventy-Three

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Okay, so I'm starting something new. I'm one of those writers that I have to have a ton on my plate or I get bored. I doplan on finishing all of my WIPs, but I wanted to try something different. Anyhow, this will be a drabble-ish fic. My chapters will be a thousand words or less, unless the chapters lend themselves to something longer (i.e., a lemon...). We're also going to be switching back and forth, every five chapters between our two favorite characters, Edward and Bella...

Also, you must have noticed that I have not been updating this as often. RL is kicking my rear end, with the beginningof the school year, my own RL issues and just finding the motivation to write. In regards to updates, I'm planning on updating every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for this story, so long as I have chapters to update with. It's mainly pre-written, but with lack of mojo and other commitments (RL and fanfic related), it's been tough to get above water. Please be patient...

As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Seventy-Three


"I can go with you tomorrow. For moral support."

"I'd like that," I said, snuggling in his arms and pressing my nose to the crook of his neck. "Thank you."

"Anything, baby," Edward soothed, his arms traveling up and down my back. "I love you. More than you know."

And I did know. He showed me that he loved me in his actions, his words and with every moment that we shared. He was the person that I trusted most in my entire life, not including my Grams. His strong presence made me feel safe for the first time inforever. I had a long way to go in the way of healing, but Edward was definitely a factor in the progress I had made thus far. I reached up, tenderly caressing his slightly scruffy jaw. He hummed, kissing my forehead and holding me against his body. "Edward?" I whispered against his warm and spicy skin.

"What, love?" he cooed, tightening his arms around me.

"I love you, too," I murmured, clamping my eyes shut and tears falling onto his shoulder.

"What did you say?" Edward asked, his voice filled with shock, but the smile evident in his expression.

"I said that I love you," I replied, looking up at him. "I'm sorry that I didn't say it sooner..." I couldn't finish my statement. Edward's lips were crushed against mine, claiming my mouth. His hands were cupping my face like I was the most preciousthing as he made love to my lips. We kissed until the pesky need to breathe broke us a part. Panting like we had run amarathon, Edward stared at me, his thumbs caressing my cheeks.

"Hearing you say's music to my ears, sweet girl," Edward cooed. I smiled, throwing my arms around his neck and burrowing close to his body. He easily picked me up, carrying me to my room. Then, until early in the morning, he proceeded to show me how much he loved me with his soft lips, long fingers and sexy voice.

The next day, Labor Day, Edward and I went to the precinct to meet up with Detective Cruz. We filed a report against mymother and got a temporary order of protection placed against her. If she escalated, then we'd get a permanent restraining order. At least we got the ball rolling on one of the two crazies in my life. I also brought up James with Cruz, but he couldn't do much with him since James had yet to make any sort of threat against me up in Chicago. I did mention the garage fire, but there was no evidence linking it to my ex-boyfriend.

Edward spent the night with me, but my nightmares came back in full force, causing both of us to not sleep. I felt horribly since he had to work the next day at the station. When he left my home, his eyes looked almost bruised from the deep circles beneath them. I went back to bed after he left, setting my alarm so I could go check on the work on my office and finalize mywant ad for potential candidates. I spent a few hours at the office, going over what I needed for wiring and making decisions on what I wanted for ambient lighting. After that, I went out for lunch with Alice before going back home, placing my ad for computer graphics experts and web designers. With all of that done, I worked on my site for Summit along with a few other sites that needed maintenance.

The rest of the week went along the same lines as Tuesday. Edward hung out with me, protecting me from my mother and ex-boyfriend since he didn't trust a piece of paper to do the job. I didn't trust it either, but it was all that I had and I had rely on it to ensure that my mother would not bother me.

On Saturday, Edward and I were relaxing, watching a movie after he had a particularly grueling shift. He had to go in for a water rescue where the woman's leg was tangled in a boat propeller. Trying to extricate her and not cause further damage to her leg or cut any major veins or arteries proved to be difficult. Edward and Jacob did manage to get her out, but she would probably lose her leg due to the blood loss and injuries sustained by the propeller. Edward also got hurt by the propeller, cutting his hand when they finally removed the woman. He had three stitches on his right palm.

His head was in my lap and I idly playing with his soft hair. He was almost purring, snoozing with his cheek pressed to my thigh. Around nine, the doorbell rang and Edward jumped off the couch. "What was that?"

"Relax, baby. It was just the door," I said, kissing his cheek. Edward looked at his watch, arching a brow. He walked with me tothe doorway and looked ready for a fight. "Edward, if it was my mother, she would have tried, unsuccessfully, to get in with her key."

"Okay, okay," he grumbled, rubbing his face and trying to wake up. He was suctioned to me, glaring at the door angrily as the doorbell rang again.

Peeking out the side window, I saw a shoulder with a bag resting on it. Frowning, I unlocked the door and wrenched it open. Standing on my stoop was someone that I did not expect until at least Wednesday. "Dad?"

A/N: Leave me some...

Oh, and I know that some of you are not happy that I didn't give you a full lemon. It will be coming soon. I promise you. And it will be good (with pic teasers and everything...), but Bella still isn't ready.

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