Chapter One Hundred Sixty

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 160


"So, just because you had a mild case of septicemia, you have to start from scratch?" Molly snorted, teasing me lightly. "Such a slacker, Cullen."

"I'm not a slacker, Molly," I grumbled as I slowly walked on the treadmill. I was sweating like a stuffed pig. "I spiked a fever and was admitted to the hospital." I huffed a few breaths, gripping the edges of the treadmill. "And I don't know how much I can do today."

"I know," Molly said, her eyes softening. "Your doctor sent over a copy of your chart. Five minutes on the treadmill and then some light weight lifting. We need to get your endurance back, Edward."

I nodded, hating the weakness I felt. I was better than before, but everything that I had gained from before my setback was lost. I wanted to push myself, but I knew I couldn't. I'd injure myself even more. Molly prattled on while I continued the torture on the treadmill and then moved to the leg lift machine. My physical therapy session lasted for an hour. By the time I was done, I had sweated through my shirt and my legs felt like jelly. Molly had to help me out to my car since I was so feeling so exhausted.

"We're going to have our work cut out for us, Edward," she chided. "But, I want you to be able to dance to your heart's content at your wedding. I know you're frustrated about the setback. I'm frustrated because you were kicking ass prior to your admittance to the hospital."

"I have no doubt," I whispered, leaning against my car. "I'm going to go home, shower and check on my fiancée. She's doing some work at the office today."

"Tell her thanks for the muffins.They were delicious! The best muffins I'd ever had," Molly said, helping me into the car. "I'll see you in a couple of days."

"Thanks, Molly," I said wearily as I started my car, backing out of the spot and driving home to take a nice long shower. I was tempted to take a bath, but I don't think I could get myself out of the tub. Fuck.

My muscles were barking in agony, but I knew that it was my body healing itself. I stripped out of my sweaty, nasty clothes, tossing them into the hamper as the shower heated up. I looked at my body, frowning at how much my physique had changed, and not for the better.

I'd always prided myself in being in stellar, peek physical condition. I wasn't a body builder, by any stretch of the imagination, but I was cut, defined and strong. Now? I had a two huge scars on my torso that were pink and would always be there from the stab wounds that James gave me. On top of the scars from the stab wounds, I would always have some numbness on my chest from the nerve damage James' blade caused and the required surgeries to fix the problems he'd caused. On the opposite side, I had some light scarring, my skin appearing to be pink from the damage from the fire. I got lucky with that respect. It could have been a lot worse but my team rallied to get me out of there and managed to do so easily. My once-muscular body was now smaller, less defined. I ran my hands up and down my torso, frowning at how much my body had changed. And how much I hated it.

"You're never going to be the same, Edward. Work with what you got," I sighed, getting into the shower. I let the water pour down on me and my muscles eventually relaxed. I got my second wind after my shower, feeling rejuvenated. I finished cleaning up, shaving my face and attempting to make myself presentable. I put on a pair of jeans and button down shirt. This summer had been unseasonably cool, which had worked in my favor. Being able to wear longer sleeves hid my compression sleeve which was minimizing the scarring on the side that I had the burns on and helped promote healing.

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