Chapter Eighty

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Eighty


We spent a few hours wandering around the zoo. A random rainstorm forced us to go to the restaurant early, though. Dodging raindrops was a bit of a challenge with Bella's bag, but we managed to get there without incident. It was just across the park, close to the entrance to the zoo. In the restaurant, Gejas, we were seated immediately in a booth and lost in the quiet ambience.

"This place has quite a unique odor," Bella giggled as she sipped her water.

"It's the oil that they use to cook the food. Or rather that we use to cook the food," I said, pointing to the small pot on the table. "The smell will stay with us when we leave, too. The food is really good. And supposedly, it has a romantic feel to it."

"It is romantic," Bella smiled, taking my hand.

"It would be more romantic if I did this," I smirked crookedly, getting up and sitting next to her in the booth. She laughed, draping her leg over mine underneath the table. "Hmmm, much better. It also allows me to give you this." In another silver box with a purple bow, I handed her the necklace I had found. I kissed her lips, tasting her uniquely sweet mouth.

"Another tiny box," she chided. I just kept smiling as she opened it up. With a quiet gasp, she lightly fingered the pendant and looked at me. "Edward, this is beautiful and so different...where did you find it?"

"The same place I got the keychain," I said, taking the pendant out of the box. "The salesman said that it represents strength and beauty. I knew that I had to get it for you because you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me and you are so incredibly strong, Bella. Turn around." She did and looped her hair into her hand. Carefully, I put the pendant around her neck, kissing just below her ear. "I love you, baby."

"I love you, too," she breathed, turning around and throwing her arms around my neck. "Thank you for this. I'll wear it always!" She kissed me soundly and tangled her fingers into my hair, kissing me until the server arrived to take our order. We got a little bit of everything. We started with some cheese fondue along with a bottle of white wine. Then, a platter of meat for our main course with various dipping sauces. Last but not least, I arranged for a birthday special dessert for Bella, using the restaurant's famous chocolate fondue with cheesecake, bananas, pound cake, strawberries and pineapples.

Sufficiently stuffed, we left the restaurant and walked back to my car, hand in hand. Bella was giggly, slightly tipsy from the wine she'd had at dinner. Helping her into the car, I drove us back to her brownstone, parking in her garage, next to her Land Rover. We got inside. Bella went directly to the fridge, downing a bottle of water. "I'm such a lightweight," she said, tossing the empty bottle into the garbage and grabbing another one.

"You don't drink a lot. I'm a little more immune to wine and beer, but with whiskey or anything strong like that, I turn to a stumbling fool in no time," I snorted. "Though, I tend not to drink when I'm off. I never know when I might get a call to go back to the station. Remember the el train derailment?"

Bella nodded, biting her lip slightly. "That's true. I wouldn't want you to make a mistake because you were drunk. I'm kind of attached to you, Edward," she said, smiling sadly. She snuggled into my arms, clutching my button-down.

"I'm not going anywhere, love," I said, cupping her cheek with my hand. "You're stuck with me for a long time. I fully intend to spoil you for as long as you'll let me. In fact, I still have one more present for you."

"Today has been perfect and the presents, while I appreciate them, are too much," Bella chided, giving me a fake pout.

"Everyone deserves to be spoiled on their birthday, Bella," I said, putting Alice's suggestion onto the kitchen counter. Bella pursed her lips before tearing into the immaculately wrapped present.

"You didn't wrap this one," she teased.

"Nope. It was Alice. I'm all thumbs when it comes to that," I laughed, pointing to the gift. Bella giggled, shaking the box open and pulling out a soft grey camisole with creamy lace trim and a matching pair of shorts. Underneath the pajama set was a stack of photos. I recognized them from the website. Bella picked them up, flipping through them. "I was hoping you'd go away with me for the weekend. This is a beautiful vineyard in northern Michigan called Chateau Chantal. It's a bed and breakfast, spa and cooking school, all wrapped up into one. It's located near Traverse City, which is gorgeous."

"Wow," Bella breathed, looking at the photos. "This place looks almost magical." Her espresso eyes caught mine and she smiled softly. "When?"

"Two weeks. We'd leave on Thursday and get back on Monday," I beamed. "I want to spend the weekend with you, cuddling and being that obnoxious couple, pawing at each other."

"You promise?" she whispered, putting the photos back in the box and sliding her hands up my arms. Her tiny fingers reached my hair and she toyed with the strands that just brushed against the collar of my shirt.

"I vow it," I choked out, my hands wrapping around her tiny waist.

"Then, I look forward to you removing this lovely pajama set with your teeth, when we make love. For the first time," Bella murmured, her eyes swimming with love, lust and pure sex. "I want you to love me as I will show you how much I love you."

I gulped, looking down at my beautiful, strong and brave girlfriend. She was telling me she was ready. She wanted me. From the fire in her eyes, she wanted me as much as I wanted her. "I can't wait, my sweet girl," I cooed, my voice husky with pure, unadulterated need. "I will spend the entire weekend showing you what you mean to me."

"Can we get a sneak preview now?" she begged, her hands tugging on my shirt, dragging my mouth closer to hers. Just as I was about to devour her sweet lips, Charlie let himself into the house.

"Bella! I'm home!" he called out.

"Fuck," we both responded and our incredibly lusty moment had dissipated.

Charlie Swan, cockblocker.

A/N: Up next will be Bella's next batch of chapters and as promised, there will be a lemon within the next five chapters (which means a longer chapter! WOOT WOOT!). Also, there will be some drama coming'll have to wait and see what it is!

Pictures of the pajama set and few pics of the Chateau are on my blogs. Links for those are on my profile. You can also find me on Facebook: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation and on twitter: tufano79. Leave me some!

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