Chapter Seventy-Seven

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

On with it!

Chapter Seventy-Seven


Bella spent her birthday with her father. I missed her terribly but was grateful that I was given a day to finalize my birthday presents for her. Plus, I needed to get some sleep. The shift picked up immensely shortly after Charlie arrived at the house. Five calls and no sleep, I crashed in my condo for a few hours before going out to pick up Bella's birthday present.

I knew that I wanted Bella to have access to my home. So, I had a key made up for her and went to a specialty shop to pick up a keychain. The keychain was a map of our streets and even included the firehouse. In the shop, I also found the second gift. I didn't want to get her jewelry but this piece was amazingly unique. It was a platinum chain with an onyx gem. The jeweler explained that inside of the gem was pattern that represented strength and beauty. My girl was the strongest person I knew and I wanted her to know that I respected her in every way. It was beautiful but one of a kind, just like my girlfriend.

The last stop was Alice's shop. She said that she had something for me to give to Bella. When I walked into Alice's shop, she handed me an already wrapped present. "This better be appropriate, Mary Alice," I chided.

"It will be. Especially for what you have planned in two weeks," Alice smirked.

" did you know?" I squeaked. She tapped her temple. I arched a brow dubiously.

"Okay, okay," she chuckled. "I was at your condo this morning, drinking some coffee and your house phone rang. I picked it up and some woman from the Chateau Chantal wanted to confirm your reservations that you made in the Behrens Suite. I confirmed your reservation and also made arrangements for a couple's massage, a cooking class, tour of the vineyard and reservations at the Grove Restaurant in downtown Grand Rapids. Say thank you, Edward."

"Thank you, Edward," I parroted.

"Ass," Alice snickered.

"Yes, I have a nice ass," I smirked. Alice rolled her eyes. "Seriously though, what's in the box?"

"You'll see," Alice sang, putting it into a bag. "Now, tomorrow..."

"Will be handled by me. I love you, Little Bit, but I think I know how to woo my girlfriend," I deadpanned. "Stop being a control freak."

"I'm not a control freak," she pouted.

"Yes, you are," sang one of her shop assistants, Mira.

"I'll bear that in mind when I do your review, Mira," Alice said dryly.

"You love me, Ali. If it weren't for me, this place would be in shambles," Mira quipped. "Especially the online ordering. Bella was amazing in what she did for the new site, but it has definitely picked up."

Alice gave Mira a thankful smile. "I do appreciate all you do, Mira. But I'm not a control freak."

"You keep telling yourself that, Little Bit," I teased, kissing her cheek. "Now, I'm going home since I only got about three hours' worth of sleep in the form of a nap. Thank you for this. I hope it's not some see-through nightie thing that will embarrass the hell out of my girlfriend." Alice bit her lip, dancing back to the register. "Alice!"

"Good night," she tittered, focusing on the computer. I scowled, stomping out to my car and driving back to the condo. I was tempted to unwrap the present and see what it was that Alice gave me. However, my present-wrapping skills were somewhat elementary. Everybody knew that I was the king of the gift card. I always found the perfect card and would insert an appropriate gift card. If a gift card couldn't be found, I'd find something that would fit nicely in a gift bag.

I sent Bella a text before crawling into bed, wishing her a happy birthday for the eightieth time and that I loved her. I slept long and hard, my body exhausted from the grueling shift. When I woke up the next morning, I made sure that my requested time off was approved. I had dropped it off in Garrett's office before I left. It was rare for me to take time off and I was usually the first person to volunteer when someone needed to trade shifts. Looking at my schedule, I noticed that I was covered and had a week and half off.

I was thrilled. Overjoyed, really. It was a weekend away but I was giddy like when my parents took me and Alice to Disney World when I was eight and she was five. I was never this excited when I went on trips with Irina. Granted, with Irina, she was all about spending the most exorbitant amount of money to stay at the chicest places she could think of. I was more of a guy's guy. Fishing, camping, outdoorsy shit. Granted, lounging by a pool could be awesome, but for two weeks at a resort that cost an arm and a leg?

Edward, you're going to be late! ~ Ali

I'm going! Thanks for the reminder ~ E

Grabbing Bella's presents, I darted out of the condo and into my car. It was my turn to celebrate the most important day to me...the birth of my dream girl. That was cheesy, Cullen. Really?

A/N: Up next, Bella's birthday with Edward...and his presents...not to mention an invitation! Leave me some! (And I promise a lemon in Bella's chapters! Scout's honor!)

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