Chapter One Hundred Forty-Four

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 144


"Come, Bella. Let's get you into something clean and comfortable," Esme said soothingly as she led me inside of her spacious, luxurious home. I was dead on my feet, the exhaustion of the past few days crashing all around me. "After we get some food into you."

"Esme, you don't have to," I said sleepily.

"Nonsense," she chided, gently pushing me into a kitchen chair. "Nothing fancy. Just some yogurt and cereal. We'll eat some more before go back to the hospital." She grabbed a container of vanilla Greek yogurt, dishing some into two separate bowls. She grabbed a couple of boxes of cereal, placing them on the table and got some fruit from the fridge as she put away the yogurt.

Carlisle had gone immediately to bed since he had to go into work in a couple of hours. Alice was with Jasper at his townhouse. Peter had come to the hospital while we were waiting for Edward to come out of surgery, but went back to the Cullen's home since he was in pain and was presumably sleeping in a guest bedroom. Emmett was snoring in the family room, dead to the world, wanting to stay near Edward's family.

"Thank you for breakfast," I said. "I could have just gone to bed."

"You could have, but you hadn't eaten all day, Bella," Esme frowned. "You need to keep your strength. Edward will likely have a long recovery and we can't have you collapsing because you didn't eat for a day or two."

"You're right," I chuckled sadly. We ate in silence, but I felt the all-too-familiar guilt began to creep under my skin. Once I finished my breakfast, I blurted, "I'm so sorry, Esme."

"Bella, you need to stop apologizing, sweetheart," she said quietly, taking my hand and running her finger over my knuckles. "I know that you think that this was your fault, but it wasn't. Edward could have been hurt when he'd gone on any number of calls."

"But not beat up and stabbed," I sniffled, pushing my empty bowl away. "That was due to my psycho, still-on-the-loose, ex-boyfriend."

"Edward's job is incredibly dangerous. He could have had any of those injuries in any of the calls. If a wall falls down or something explodes ..." she said quietly, grimacing slightly. "Each time Edward goes out, I worry. I also worry for Emmett and the rest of the boys in the station. My son is great at his job, but that doesn't negate the unknown. No two fires or rescues are the same, Bella and that includes what happens during the call as well as after it."

"I still feel sorry. Nothing can change that," I shrugged.

"We'll just have to agree to disagree," she snickered. "Now, my bed is calling my name. Let's get you settled into Edward's room so we can get some good sleep before going back to the hospital." I nodded, following her up the stairs to Edward's childhood bedroom. She showed me where Edward kept some of his older clothes so I could change. She gave me a tight hug. "Edward loves you, Bella and he doesn't blame you. For anything. And I love you, too. I understand why you left. I understand why you feel the way you do. I just understand." She kissed my cheek, brushing my hair back away from my face. "Get some rest, sweetheart."

"I'll try, Esme," I nodded. "And I love you, too."

She smiled softly, giving me another hug before leaving me in Edward's too big, too quiet childhood room. I took some time to walk around and let my breakfast settle. The walls were covered with posters from various Chicago sports teams and musical artists. On a bulletin board, he had some pictures from high school and college. Edward hadn't changed much, only growing broader in his shoulders and more chiseled with time. Oh, and he lost the braces he wore as well. I knew those teeth were too perfect. On the nightstand, there was a recent photo. I recognized it from the engagement photos that we'd had done by Peter. It was one of my favorites. Edward was holding me, his hands cupping my face and staring deeply into my eyes. I was beaming happily, my hands resting on the lapels of his jacket. It was in a frame that had our names etched on a silver plaque on the bottom. Edward and Bella, a love that lasts for all eternity.

I picked up the picture, climbing into the bed and holding it on my chest. I caressed his face, tears flowing down my cheeks. "I love you, Edward. I'm sorry I made you doubt my love for you. It is forever. An eternity is not enough for me. I pray I get to tell you and there is not a moment that I will stop loving you. Come back to me." I kissed the picture, curling around it and crying myself to sleep.

A/N: I'm going to let you know that we're probably going to jump around a little bit. It will make sense, hopefully. Also, some of you asked how long this is going to be. I'm thinking it will probably end up being around 175-200 or so chapters. Leave me some! ;-)

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