Chapter One Hundred Seventy-One

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 171


"Bella, we've got to get on the road," Edward said. "With Marie and the caravan of people following us, it will take longer to get to the chateau. The five hour drive will take closer to eight or nine."

"Sorry," I said as closed my suitcase. "I'm just a little scattered. I feel like we're forgetting something."

"We've packed so much shit; it feels like we're moving into the damn chateau," Edward snorted. "Whatever we need, we can buy up there." He kissed my lips, taking the suitcase that I had just filled off the bed. Marie was in her bouncy chair, watching her parents run around like chickens with their heads cut off. My Range Rover was packed to the gills with our luggage and necessities for Marie. Alice had already brought up my dress to the chateau. She was already there, making final, last minute decisions.

I picked up my daughter, changing her and dressing her in layers. It was chilly outside, but it would be warm in the car. It also didn't help that Marie was recovering from a cold and was a stuffy mess. Carrying her downstairs, I placed her in the carrier. I was dressed comfortably in a pair of yoga pants and one of Edward's hoodies. I wanted to be comfortable for this long-ass car ride.

It was the Wednesday before our wedding day. We were to be married on Saturday, but we had a lot of work left to do, namely, getting a marriage license. Edward's school schedule had prevented us from leaving sooner. He had to finish up some lab work with his partner and complete the final exam early this week. Once he was done, he was free until the beginning of the autumn quarter, which was scheduled to start a week from today. We were getting the license tomorrow. The rehearsal was on Friday and then our nuptials were on Saturday. On Sunday to Tuesday, we were going to have a brief interlude. Esme and Carlisle were taking Marie back with them to Chicago while Edward and I celebrated our marriage before we got back to real life. For me, being an entrepreneur and a mom and Edward, being a student and a dad.

"I think we're good to go," Edward said, rubbing his hands together. "Emmett, Jasper and my parents are meeting us here before we head up to Traverse City. They texted and are on their way." He walked to me, wrapping me in his arms. His hands slid up to my back and I squeaked at how cold they were. "Is it too late to elope?"

"I think so," I giggled, kissing his chin. "Your hands are chilling me to the bone, baby."

"Cold hands, warm heart," he growled, dipping me deeply and pressing his soft lips to mine. I moaned as I clutched his arms, trying to stay upright. He slid his tongue between my lips, tangling with mine. Righting us, he removed his hands from my back and cupped his hand around my face. He stopped our kiss, panting heavily and smiled crookedly. "I love you, Mrs. Cullen."

"I love you more, Dr. Cullen," I giggled, kissing his nose. "We have to go, though."

"Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrupthhht!" Marie squealed, tossing a stuffed animal toward us.

"Our baby agrees," I laughed, dancing out of his arms and slipping my purse over my head. I looped my arm through the carrier, walking toward the back entrance. "Set the alarm before we go, baby."

Edward picked up the diaper bag and his messenger bag, which held the paperwork for our marriage license and books for his new classes that were starting next week. He had some reading assignments to complete and submit something online during his break. We put Marie in the backseat and as he was adjusting the seatbelts, our caravan arrived. We got into the car and followed Carlisle out of the city. We barely hit any traffic since we left just after nine. We made it to the Michigan border in no time at all. We made our first stop there. I nursed Marie while the guys filled up the gas tanks and got some treats at the convenience store.

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