Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Nine

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 139


I dropped Peter off at my parent's home. I stayed with them, eating dinner with them before driving back to the brownstone. I curled up in the bed that shared with my fiancée, missing her terribly and tried to fall asleep. Just as I was about drift off, my cell phone rang and I saw it was my sister.

"What, Alice?" I grumped.

"Yeesh! Someone's crabby," she giggled.

"Just working overtime has kicked my ass. I was off today, but I'm on tomorrow and hopefully be off for two weeks after that. Not to mention, I haven't heard from my fiancée in three days," I snapped.

"She's fine. Well, as fine as she can be," Alice murmured. "Like I suggested, she's blaming herself for everything and is adamant on staying away to keep us safe."

"That's total bullshit, Alice," I growled.

"I know and I've convinced her to come back with me tomorrow. She's sleeping and we're leaving from SeaTac at eleven. We'll be back in Chicago around three or so," Alice explained. "Bella's afraid that you hate her."

"I don't hate her. I love her, but I'm afraid she's pulling away and that she doesn't want me," I pouted.

"Surely you didn't say anything," Alice chided.

"I may have alluded to it. Four days! Alice, it's been four fucking days," I muttered, falling back on pillows that still smelled of us.

"Edward, don't give up on her," she choked out. "She needs you. Needs us. Everyone in her life has given up on her. Even with her dad, she was abandoned by him, unknowingly. However, she came running to him. The distance was the appeal to her impromptu trip to Washington."

I pinched my nose, growling lowly. "I'm just frustrated. My schedule hasn't helped things either. I miss her more than words can say. I love her and I want to make it better."

"Of course you do. You're a guy. Guys are fixers," Alice snickered. "Look, I don't want to cause any trouble or give away any secrets, but don't walk away from her. Bella needs you more than you know and you need her, really. Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know that we were coming back tomorrow. Don't worry about picking us up since I parked my car in the lot."

"Alice, what is this about secrets?" I asked.

"I love you, Edward. See you soon," she sang, hanging up on me.

"Alice! Damn it!" I snarled, dialing her number. It went to voicemail.What is she talking about? Trouble? Secrets? I tossed the phone onto the nightstand, glaring at it like it betrayed me. Eventually, the exhaustion won and I fell asleep, having interesting nightmares of some the troubles and secrets that Alice alluded to.

I woke up the next morning. I was running late and I knew that Emmett would not be happy in the delay in being relieved. I got to the station house. Emmett nearly ran me over when I arrived, screaming that I made him late for a date with his bed.

Thankfully, at the station, we had some guys back from being sick. The worst was behind us and hopefully, our normal schedule would take over after our two-week vacation. It was also an easy day. With the help of Jacob, we changed the oil on the truck and caught up on some shows on the DVR. I was still worried about Bella, but I was grateful for the distraction of work to keep my mind occupied. As we were sitting down for dinner, my phone chirped. It was a text from Bella.

I'm home. I'm sorry that I've given you the impression that I wanted to end this. I'm ... I'm a mess ... I love you so much. Please don't give up on me. ~ Bella

My heart exploded. She was back and safe. The tenor of her text, though, made me concerned. I knew that once I was off my shift, we'd have to talk. But, I had to give her some reassurance. I quickly tapped out a text.

I'd never give up on you. I love you ~ Edward

The rest of the evening was quiet. I was tempted to ask Garrett if I could go, but I was the only lieutenant on duty. I couldn't leave. Damn it. I just relaxed in my quarters, reading a book and trying to get some sleep. Shortly after four in the morning, the alarms blared and the dispatcher called out for the required crews. The address seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

And for some strange reason, I felt a cold shiver as I put on my gear.

Something was not going to go right.

A/N: Dun, dun, DUN!!! Leave me some!

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