Chapter One Hundred Fifty

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As always, none of this is mine. I'm just the perv who want to make our beloved Twilight characters swear, drink, and go at it like horny rabbits. This story will be a combination of love, suspense, some violence and steamy, sweaty sex.

Chapter 150


"Another ten minutes on the treadmill, Edward. Then, we'll massage your side," said my perky physical therapist, Molly. I scowled at her. She was this tiny thing but the devil incarnate. She worked me hard and made me cry like a baby with the exercises she had me do.

"I hate you," I grumbled, sweat pouring down my face.

"I know you do, but at least you're getting stronger," Molly smirked. She pressed a few buttons, increasing the incline of the treadmill. I groaned. It had been nearly two months since my release from the hospital. A week after I was released, I met with my surgeon, who gave me the go-ahead to start physical therapy. Though, first I had to not huff and puff like a smoker. I went to rehab for my lungs first, getting them stronger and then began physical rehab a few weeks after that, where I met Molly, the she-devil.

"Can't we wrap this up now?" I whined, gripping the handles of the treadmill. "We've got a very important doctor's appointment today. My fiancée and I are going to find out what we're having."

Molly pursed her lips. "When is the appointment, slacker?"

"In an hour and half," I wheedled. "Come on, Molly. You can get your jollies off, whipping me into shape in a couple of days."

"You think I enjoy seeing your whiny ass?" she laughed. "You think I have fun making you cry like a girl?"

"In a sick, twisted way, yes," I said, hitting the emergency stop button. "I appreciate your dedication, Molly, but please. I have to go back to the house and shower. I don't want to make my fiancée puke from my nastiness."

She held up a finger, glowering at me. "You owe me, Cullen. Thirty minutes on the treadmill next time!" She threw a towel at me, pointing to the door. "Get the fuck out and bring an ultrasound picture on Friday."

I got off the treadmill, grabbing my wallet, keys and cell phone before darting out to my Mustang. Unfortunately, with the impending arrival of our little one, I knew I'd have to trade her in or put her in storage, getting a more family-friendly car. I was looking at a Volvo. They were incredibly safe. I wanted nothing but the best for my family and that seemed to be purchasing the Volvo. I slid into my car, shaking off my weird domestic fantasies and drove back home. Bella was in the kitchen, eating some lunch. She had really blossomed in her pregnancy. Her hair was thicker, skin was flushed and healthy and she had an ethereal glow about her. Her belly was still small, but it was obvious she was pregnant.

She did have to take time off from her business, though. She was able to work from home, but she had to stay in bed or on the couch. Peter and Jacob were manning the shop, keeping my fiancée in the loop. After we told her about James, she had a massive panic attack and had to be admitted to the hospital.

"You're looking much better, Edward," Sergeant Voight said, giving me a smile.

"Every day I'm getting stronger," I replied, wrapping my arm around my girl. "I'll be happy when I don't have to go for daily scrubbings, but the burn unit said that I'm almost done with those treatments. One or two treatments and then no more."

"What's up, Sergeant?" Bella asked, shifting in her seat. She was anxious because we were called into the district early this morning. "My mom's dead and so is James. Do we need to sign something to officially close the case?"

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